九州大学(九大)は6月2日、ひきこもり者(6か月以上自宅にとどまり続ける社会的ひきこもり状況にある状態)の血液中の代謝物や脂質の測定により、ひきこもり者に特徴的な血液バイオマーカーを発見したことを発表した。 同成果は、九大 病院検査部の瀬戸山大樹助教、同・康東天教授、同病院 精神科神経科の加藤隆弘准教授、…
We have checked out the brand new BMW iX1! Small, and four-wheel drive, electric car.
Yesterday, BMW presented its new little SUV iX and already today we got the chance to check out the fully electric version of this, called […]
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NASA probably won’t need Russia to send more astronauts to the ISS
NASA might not have to lean on Russia again to ferry astronauts to the International Space Station. Ars Technicanotes the agency has bought five extra crewed ISS flights from SpaceX, or enough to maintain “uninterrupted” US staffing aboard the station until its expected 2030 demise. While NASA still intends to use Boeing’s Starliner, the new SpaceX missions will be necessary to fulfill plans for alternating between the two companies once both are an option.
The extra flights could be used as soon as 2026. They’ll help with redundancy and keep the ISS operating safely if any problems prevent Boeing or SpaceX from launching in a timely fashion, NASA said. At present, SpaceX is the only private company certified to fly astronauts. Boeing isn’t expected to fly its first operational mission until 2023.
This might not deprive Boeing of more chances to fly astronauts to the ISS. If NASA doesn’t order more flights, however, the company will have missed its big chance to one-up SpaceX. The current arrangement provides a total of 14 Crew Dragon missions versus just six Starliner trips — the aerospace giant will have lost a large chunk of its potential business to a relative newcomer.
A new trailer for Final Fantasy XVI. Released next summer.
Square Enix got to be part of yesterday’s PlayStation stunt and then showed off a new trailer for Final Fantasy XVI. In the trailer you […]
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Donut Media tests rim locks. This is how it goes for Swedish Rimgard.
If you have a bunch of nice rims on your car, it can not be completely unexpected that there is some slan who would want […]
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Trailer for The Man from Toronto. Kevin Hart and Woody Harrelson in Netflix comedy.
Here comes the trailer for The Man from Toronto which is a confusing comedy that will soon start airing on Netflix. In the film, there […]
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Electric trailer tractor with a range of 50 miles. New version of Mercedes eActros.
The first prototypes of an upcoming remote version of Mercedes’ electric eActros have now been manufactured. The truck is adapted for the international total weight […]
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Our Flag Means Death gets a second season. The kind pirates continue sailing on HBO.
HBO announced yesterday that it will make a second season of the comedy series Our Flag Means Death. The series is about a gang of […]
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Google Duo and Meet will be an app. Will be called Meet.
When it comes to communication apps, Google has for many years had problems focusing on a product in order to compete with, for example, FaceTime […]
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世界最大の植物、豪シャーク湾で発見 4500年かけ180キロにわたり拡大か – BBCニュース
オーストラリア西岸のシャーク湾でこのほど、米マンハッタン島の約3倍の広さにわたって広がっている海草が見つかった。地球上で最も大きな植物だという。この研究は学術誌「Proceedings of the Royal Society B」に1日に掲載された。