NHK 科学番組『指の複雑な動きは脳でなく、手や腕の神経が記憶』……脳が出したアバウトな命令、それに下位の神経が最適なものを選んでいる
ふとしSLIM🤓 @FUTOCHIMPO NHKの科学番組で、指の複雑な動きは脳でなく手や腕の神経が記憶していて、脳が出したアバウトな命令に下位の神経が最適なものを選んでいるという話をしていたから、画力の半分は手のお陰。フィジカル由来… 2022-05-13 22:37:00 リンク 「“指” ヒトとサルの分岐点」 「“指” ヒトとサルの分岐点…
We have played with the A500 Mini. The new Amiga 500 mini console.
Retro Games’ new mini console A500 Mini is a small mini / retro console that plays old Amiga games. It is of course shaped like […]
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リンク researchmap.jp 岡 耕平 (Kohei OKA) – マイポータル – researchmap researchmap is an information sharing platform for the researchers. researchmap is provided by Japan Science and Technology Agency. 知的障害のある人の移動・作業支援、学校での学習支援、職場内での就労支援コーディネートの経験をも…
AUO has a screen with 480 Hz running. And 1920 × 1080.
If you now feel that a screen with 360 Hz is not fast enough for your eyes, then perhaps you can be happy that AU […]
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灘→MIT卒の起業家が「問題児」だらけのMITから考える、日本の教育に足りないもの(前田 智大)
灘中高→米マサチューセッツ工科大学(以下・MIT)に進み、主に小学生を対象に、少人数でのオンライン・ライブ授業をおこなう新しい教育サービス『スコラボ』を開設した前田智大さん。 前田さんが通ったMITでの「問題児」エピソードについて綴っていただいた前編【灘→MIT卒の起業家が語る、「問題児」が許容されるMIT学生…
Reputation: Pictures of a new Silent Hill game are leaking. Delicious?
Yesterday, a bunch of pictures appeared on Reddit that showed something that was claimed to be from a new Silent Hill game. The person who […]
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Scientific research shows that even a little light during sleep can be bad for your health
Beijing time on May 14th news, according to foreign media reports, we are used to turn off the lights and draw the curtains before going […]
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筆者は生協などによく講演を頼まれるのですが、除草剤グリホサートとネオニコチノイド系殺虫剤は、質問が相次ぐ2大農薬。「発がん性が……」「はちが死ぬ……」「諸外国はみんな禁止になっているのに、日本は残留基準値を上げた……」などと質問責め。残念なことに間違った情報も広がっています。 そこで、二つの農薬について…
Scientists grow plants in soil from the Moon for the first time
Scientists from the University of Florida have completed a world (and lunar) first by growing plants in soil from the Moon. The researchers used samples obtained by the Apollo 11, 12 and 17 missions, but they didn’t have much to work with.
While a total of 842 pounds (382 kilograms) of soil and rocks has been brought back to Earth from the Moon, the researchers received just 12 grams of so-called “lunar regolith” from NASA. Still, that was more than the four grams they requested. Scientists Rob Ferl and Anna-Lisa Paul had to be patient to get their hands on the soil as well — they applied three times over 11 years for the samples.
The team used thimble-sized wells in plastic plates, which are typically used to culture cells, as pots. The scientists placed a gram of soil into each of these, added a nutrient solution and then placed a few thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana) seeds. They planted the seeds in other types of soil as part of a control group, including simulated Martian soil, soils from extreme environments and a substance that mimics lunar soil.
Nearly all of the seeds planted in the lunar regolith sprouted, but the plants eventually showed some differences from the ones grown in the control group. Some of the Moon dirt plants grew slower or were smaller. There was more variation in sizes than with the control group cress as well.
The scientists, who published their research in the journal Communications Biology, found that differences in the makeup of the lunar soil samples appear to have impacted the growth of the plants. They determined the cress that struggled the most was grown in what’s known as mature lunar soil, which is exposed to more cosmic wind.
In particular, as The Guardian notes, samples from Apollo 11 were deemed the least effective for growing plants. Those were obtained from the older surface of the Sea of Tranquility, which had a couple of billion years more exposure to the environment. The researchers wrote that “further characterization and optimization would be required before regolith can be considered a routine in situ resource, particularly in locations where the regolith is highly mature.”
Still, the success of the experiment paves the way for the possibility of growing plants on the Moon for food and oxygen, ahead of NASA’s Artemis Program taking humans back to the lunar surface for the first time since 1972. “Artemis will require a better understanding of how to grow plants in space,” Ferl, one of the paper’s authors and a distinguished professor of horticultural sciences in the UF Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, said.