A macro for writing HTML html! { h1 { "Hello, world!" } p.intro { "This is an example of the " a href="https://github.com/lambda-fairy/maud" { "Maud" } " template language." } } Maud is an HTML template engine for Rust. It’s implemented as a macro, html!, which compiles your markup to specialized…
GitHub – amoffat/supertag: A tag-based filesystem
Supertag is a tag-based filesystem, written in Rust, for Linux and MacOS. It provides a tag-based view of your files by removing the hierarchy constraints typically imposed on files and folders. In other words, it allows you to think about your files not as objects stored in folders, but as objec…
Simple rust interview questions
Simple rust interview questions By flakm May 8, 2022 – 8 minutes read – 1511 words What is a good interview question? For some time now I’ve been using interview questions on Reddit and SO to check my progress in learning Rust. Sadly apart from a huge will to share and teach in the community ❤️ I’…
(async) Rust doesn’t have to be hard
An article titled Rust Is Hard, Or: The Misery of Mainstream Programming came out today and it’s getting a lot of attention. I have a feeling that it’s viewed in a wrong context, so I’d like to comment on the issue raised there. A lot of the comments to the article are in a tone of "this is preci…
Rustでわかる! WebAssemblyのメリット~処理速度の違いを、サンプルを作りながら体験しよう
Singularity Data
As an early-stage database startup, we entirely deleted our C++ codebase after 7 months of development and rewrote everything from scratch in Rust programming language. Here’s how we arrived at a decision and why we think this was one of the best decisions ever. RisingWave is a cloud-native strea…
Rust: A Critical Retrospective « bunnie’s blog
Since I was unable to travel for a couple of years during the pandemic, I decided to take my new-found time and really lean into Rust. After writing over 100k lines of Rust code, I think I am starting to get a feel for the language and like every cranky engineer I have developed opinions and beca…
Rust GUI の決定版! Tauri を使ってクロスプラットフォームなデスクトップアプリを作ろう
Tauri は Rust で書かれたクロスプラットフォーム GUI フレームワークです。 Tauri について説明しながら、 Tauri を使って簡単なアプリケーションを作ってみます
Rustで3Dサンドボックスゲームを作る #1 Bevy
続編が書かれるかは未定です。今回は平面を表示しその上をカメラが移動するところまでです。 完成品 Wasm化してブラウザで動かすこともできます↓。 ただしSafariでは上手く動作しないようなので、最新版のGoogle ChromeやFirefoxでお試しください。操作はキーボードのみ(WASD/矢印)です。 プロジェクト全体のソースコ…