Maud, a macro for writing HTML

A macro for writing HTML html! { h1 { "Hello, world!" } p.intro { "This is an example of the " a href="" { "Maud" } " template language." } } Maud is an HTML template engine for Rust. It’s implemented as a macro, html!, which compiles your markup to specialized…

(async) Rust doesn’t have to be hard

An article titled Rust Is Hard, Or: The Misery of Mainstream Programming came out today and it’s getting a lot of attention. I have a feeling that it’s viewed in a wrong context, so I’d like to comment on the issue raised there. A lot of the comments to the article are in a tone of "this is preci…

Rustでわかる! WebAssemblyのメリット~処理速度の違いを、サンプルを作りながら体験しよう


Singularity Data

As an early-stage database startup, we entirely deleted our C++ codebase after 7 months of development and rewrote everything from scratch in Rust programming language. Here’s how we arrived at a decision and why we think this was one of the best decisions ever. RisingWave is a cloud-native strea…

Rustで3Dサンドボックスゲームを作る #1 Bevy

続編が書かれるかは未定です。今回は平面を表示しその上をカメラが移動するところまでです。 完成品 Wasm化してブラウザで動かすこともできます↓。 ただしSafariでは上手く動作しないようなので、最新版のGoogle ChromeやFirefoxでお試しください。操作はキーボードのみ(WASD/矢印)です。 プロジェクト全体のソースコ…