日経の記事利用サービスについて 企業での記事共有や会議資料への転載・複製、注文印刷などをご希望の方は、リンク先をご覧ください。 詳しくはこちら コーエーテクモホールディングスが25日発表した2022年3月期の連結決算は、純利益が前の期比20%増の353億円となり過去最高を更新した。歴史を題材にしたスマートフォン…
“デジタルツイン”って何だ?! | NHK | WEB特集
いま、様々な分野で注目を集める最新技術「デジタルツイン」。 「デジタル」の「ツイン」。 つまりデジタル上に、現実世界の街や建物などを”双子”のように再現する技術のことです。 “未来の産業のカギ”とも言われ、世界各国で国家戦略にも盛り込まれ開発競争が進んでいます。 「一体これはなに?」と思ったディレクター…
Tomorrow, the big moose hike starts again. Can once again be seen on Twitch.
Do you like to follow SVT’s slowtv investment The big moose hike, you can look forward to tomorrow because they will then start broadcasting it […]
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The researcher who happened to kill millions of people. Whoopsie!
New clip from the YouTube channel Veritasium where they talk about a scientist who happened to cause two real natural disasters that killed millions of […]
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Spout in the handset – The Hubble Telescope turns 32 years old. Celebrate it with a picture of a galaxy cluster.
Today it is 32 years since NASA’s space telescope Hubble Space Telescope was launched into space and it is noticed as usual with an image […]
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Walkabout Mini Golf: Welcome Island signs the revival of the hub of the most famous golf game in virtual reality
There are games that keep evolving and Walkabout Mini Golf very clearly part of it. The game of golf Mighty Coconut is theone of the […]
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Ghostbusters VR comes to Meta Quest 2. And so do Among Us, Resident Evil, Bonelab and Cities VR.
Last week, Meta showed off some new games coming to their VR headset Meta Quest 2, what was previously called Oculus Quest 2, in the […]
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Elden Ring will be a full-featured version for Game Boy thanks to this fan
Te imaginas jugar a Elden Ring in a Game Boy? Well, officially it’s not possible, since FromSoftware and Bandai Namco have released it on PS5, […]
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How did Z become Putin’s and Russia’s symbol? Very unclear what it stands for.
For some reason, the letter Z has become some kind of symbol for those who support Putin and Russia in the war with Ukraine, in […]
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Investigation of the Private Copy Compensation completed. Proposed to be administered by a new authority in the future.
The investigation into the so-called Private Copy Compensation that started in 2020 is now complete. It is about the compensation that electronics retailers or manufacturers […]
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