イーロン・マスク氏、買収中止を示唆 Twitter経営陣に圧力(写真=ロイター)

日経の記事利用サービスについて 企業での記事共有や会議資料への転載・複製、注文印刷などをご希望の方は、リンク先をご覧ください。 詳しくはこちら 【ニューヨーク=堀田隆文】起業家のイーロン・マスク氏が米ツイッターに対し、買収取りやめを示唆したことが6日明らかになった。同氏は偽アカウントの割合が5%未満だと…

Google settles Photos facial recognition lawsuit for $100 million

Facebook isn’t the only one compensating Illinois residents over alleged privacy violations. The Vergenotes Google has agreed to pay $100 million to settle a class action lawsuit accusing the company of violating Illinois’ Biometric Information Protection Act (BIPA) through Photos’ “Face Grouping” feature. The settlement will let you claim between $200 and $400 if you appeared in a picture on Photos between May 1st, 2015 and April 25th, 2022.

Google supposedly broke the law by collecting and analyzing faces without appropriate notice, asking for “informed” consent or sharing data retention policies with the public. Face Grouping is meant to help you find photos of given people by detecting faces and automatically organizing them into collections.

You have until September 24th to submit a claim, and can object to the settlement terms before August 10th. The final approval hearing is slated for September 28th.

We’ve asked Google for comment. In a statement to The Verge, the company defended Face Grouping by stressing that collections were only visible to you and can be disabled.

The settlement is relatively modest. In 2021, Facebook agreed to pay $650 million to settle a lawsuit over its defunct face-based Tag Suggestions feature. This might not be the last big payout in the near future, though. Snap is dealing with a class action suit over purportedly illegal collection of face and voice data for its augmented reality effects, and it might face a similar expense if the plaintiffs prevail.


日頃より『ますかれーど』を応援頂きまして、誠にありがとうございます。 この度、バーチャルメイド喫茶『ますかれーど』のプロデューサーを契約満了期間となる6/30(木)をもって退任することとなりました。これまでご協力、ご支援を頂きました皆様ありがとうございました。残りの在任期間は僅かとなりますが、しっかりと…

「人の悪口は、どんどん言っていい」自衛隊メンタル教官がそう断言する納得の理由 ただし、絶対言ってはいけない相手がある

ついついイラっとしてしまった時、「大人げなかった…」と反省したり、「我慢しなきゃ」とグっと堪えたりする人は多いだろう。しかし、自衛隊メンタル教官である下園壮太さんは「理性的にふるまえば振舞うほど、怒りは暴発する」という――。 「上司に嫌味を言われてブチッ」今日あったイライラを浄化する方法 いよいよ具体…

QRコード決済、電子マネー超す 2021年取扱高7割増

日経の記事利用サービスについて 企業での記事共有や会議資料への転載・複製、注文印刷などをご希望の方は、リンク先をご覧ください。 詳しくはこちら 国内のQRコード決済の市場拡大が続いている。産官学でつくるキャッシュレス推進協議会の利用動向調査によると、2021年の取扱高は前年比7割増の7兆3487億円と、過去最高…

Activision Blizzard faces unfair labor practices complaint over staff unionization efforts

The Communications Workers of America has filed an unfair labor practices complaint against Activision Blizzard, accusing the company of retaliating against workers over their unionization efforts. If you’ll recall, the quality assurance workers at the Activision studio Raven Software announced their plans to unionize in January. That’s after Activision cut 12 of its QA contractors despite, according to a Washington Post report from January, Raven departmental management asking for those workers to be kept on. Workers at the studio went on strike following the event, demanding that all contractors be hired as full-time employees. 

In its complaint filed with the National Labor Relations Board, the CWA accused the company of violating federal law by terminating those QA workers. The group also pointed out that Activision reorganized the studio by disbanding the QA team and embedding testers in other departments just mere days after they requested union recognition. In addition, Activision Blizzard allegedly withheld pays and benefits in April in response to the workers’ unionization efforts. 

According to previous reports, the company also actively and strongly discouraged workers from voting to unionize. Union organizer Jessica Gonzalez revealed on Twitter back in January that Activision VP of QA Chris Arends posted a message on a locked Slack channel diminishing the benefits of unionization. “A union doesn’t do anything to help us produce world-class games, and the bargaining process is not typically quick, often reduces flexibility, and can be adversarial and lead to negative publicity,” Arends wrote

A piece by The Washington Postalso said that company leadership held town meetings to dissuade workers from organizing and sent out emails with a message that says “Please vote no.” Those efforts had failed, and CWA won the election to unionize at Raven with a vote of 19 to 3. Xbox head Phil Spencer reportedly said before the vote that he would recognize a Raven union once Microsoft’s acquisition of the developer is complete.

Game Workers Alliance/CWA organizing committee members Erin Hall, Lau Nebel-Malone and Marie Carroll said:

“The reorganization and withholding of pay raises and other benefits and the company’s failure to rehire laid off QA testers were clearly attempts by Activision to intimidate us and interfere with our union election in violation of the National Labor Relations Act.”

Meanwhile, an Activision spokesperson disputed the allegations in a statement sent to Bloomberg:

“We respect and believe in the right of all employees to decide whether or not to support or vote for a union, and retaliation of any kind is not tolerated.”

As the news organization notes, complaints filed with the NLRB are investigation by regional offices. In case they’re found to have merit and aren’t settled, they can be prosecuted by the agency’s general counsel.

Update, 6/6/22, 10AM ET: This story has been updated with additional citations for the claim that Activision Blizzard cut 12 QA contractors despite Raven departmental leadership requesting to keep those contractors employed.

“本当に頭のいい人” かどうかがわかる「7つのチェックリスト」 – STUDY HACKER(スタディーハッカー)|社会人の勉強法&英語学習

社会で活躍する “頭のいい人” に憧れる人は多いでしょう。 「頭のいい人になりたいけれど、どういう言動をとれる人のことを “頭がいい” と言うのかな……」 あなたがそう疑問に思うのも無理はありません。“頭の良さ” はひとことで定義できるものではないからです。 今回の記事では、有識者の意見をもとに、“本当に頭のいい…

ケイブ、『モンスターストライク』開発元でらゲーを約50億円で買収へ。人員確保狙い、8回分割払いで – AUTOMATON

株式会社ケイブは6月3日、株式会社でらゲーを買収することを明らかにした(発表PDF)。約50億2300万円でケイブがでらゲーの全株式を取得予定。この買収が完了すれば、『モンスターストライク』開発で知られるでらゲーが、STG開発の老舗であるケイブの連結子会社となる。 株式会社ケイブは、1994年に設立された国内のゲー…

自衛隊メンタル教官が教える「戦場なら全滅する組織」に共通する”雰囲気” イライラ、トラブル、バトル

一日の大半の時間を過ごす職場。誰もが快適に過ごしたいと願っているにもかかわらず、トラブルやイライラが付き物なのはなぜなのか。自衛隊メンタル教官である下園壮太さんは「メンバーの3分の1が疲労状態にあると、組織の力は急激に低下する」という――。 「会社が悪い」「あの上司が悪い」職場でのバトルが勃発する理由…

Elon Musk is reportedly looking to cut the Tesla workforce by 10 percent

Tesla CEO Elon Musk wants to cut around 10 percent of jobs at Tesla, according to a report from Reuters. In an email to executives, he wrote that he has a “super bad feeling” about the economy. Including its subsidiaries, Tesla employed around 100,000 people as of the end of 2021, so any layoffs could be substantial.

Tesla has struggled with production more than some automakers, as most of its vehicles bound for Asian and European markets are manufactured in China at its Shanghai factory. Like other firms that manufacture in the nation, it has had difficulty restarting production following COVID-19 lockdowns.

On top of that, investor sentiment has been down due to inflation and the war in the Ukraine. However, the US jobs market is as good as it’s ever been, with unemployment holding steady at a 3.6 percent, the lowest level since the start of the pandemic. Demand for Tesla vehicles remains strong as well, according to Reuters

Musk recently told SpaceX and Tesla employees that they had to return to the office full-time or leave the company. His uncompromising stance on remote work contrasts with other major tech companies that have allowed workers to request work-from-home permanently, including Salesforce, Slack and Facebook. Tech talent agency founder Jason Stomel told Reuters that Musk’s stance could be a “disguised layoff” because he “knows there’s a percentage of workers who are just not going to come back.”