無抵抗の生徒を殴る蹴る…サッカー強豪の高校でコーチが激しい暴行か 関係者からは「暴力行為は日常茶飯事」の声(FNNプライムオンライン) – Yahoo!ニュース https://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/s/news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/e1b70b5bb484f64b24b6b03e32e85c58a0107863 183 users トップコメが この高校の校長が、女子生徒と…
Investigation of the Private Copy Compensation completed. Proposed to be administered by a new authority in the future.
The investigation into the so-called Private Copy Compensation that started in 2020 is now complete. It is about the compensation that electronics retailers or manufacturers […]
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Swedish esports league in chess starts next month. The Swedish Chess League has a prize pool of SEK 101,000.
Fragbite and the Swedish Chess Federation are now starting what is said to be Sweden’s first sporting sport for chess. The new league has been […]
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NASA is taking help to build the space communications of the future. SpaceX, Amazon and others will help with that.
NASA has invited a number of American companies that it hopes will be able to develop future communication systems that can replace one of the […]
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From New York to Miami in an F1 car. Sergio “Checo” Perez drove an RB7.
On May 8, it’s time for the Miami GP and to hype a bit about this, Red Bull decided to speed up again. Sergio “Checo” […]
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Amazon opens up Amazon Prime for other suppliers. Should start competing with UPS, FedEx and the Post?
Amazon announced today that it will open up its Amazon Prime delivery network to third-party retailers. The new service will be called “Buy With Prime”. […]
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問十二夜空の青を微分せよ街の明りは無視してもよい ある和歌の分析
問十二、夜空の青を微分せよ。街の明りは無視してもよい 川北 天華 読み解く。 概要、構造、構成を分析し結論を述べる。 概要詠人作者は川北天華。当時は進学をめざす高校生。進学は最終目標ではなく過程のひとつだろう。 歌歌全体が試験問題の体裁をとる。 単語と語法は平易。しかしそれらはすべてべつの何かを表象す…
Wimbledon gates Russian players. Players from Belarus are also not welcome to the tennis tournament.
The long-established British tennis tournament Wimbledon announced yesterday that players from Russia and Belarus are not welcome to participate in this year’s edition of the […]
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Puppeteerでファイルをダウンロードする2022 – 詩と創作・思索のひろば
Puppeteer ってソラで書けますか? ぼくは書けないので pptr.dev にアクセスしてコピペしてます。 Puppeetteer でファイルをダウンロードする方法はわかりやすい API としては提供されておらず、Stackoverflow を毎回見てる。これも古い方法が出回ったままだったりするので令和4年現在での最新版と思われる方法を書いて…
Hydration is Pure Overhead
Hydration is a solution to add interactivity to server-rendered HTML. This is how Wikipedia defines hydration: In web development, hydration or rehydration is a technique in which client-side JavaScript converts a static HTML web page, delivered either through static hosting or server-side render…