日経の記事利用サービスについて 企業での記事共有や会議資料への転載・複製、注文印刷などをご希望の方は、リンク先をご覧ください。 詳しくはこちら 日本製鉄が、ハイブリッド車の部品などに使われる電磁鋼板の特許を巡りトヨタ自動車などを訴えてから半年が過ぎた。日鉄が三井物産にも提訴の対象を広げたことが、波紋…
Volkswagen ID.Buzz as pickup. A design proposal that did not become more than that.
Volkswagen celebrated World Design Day by showing a rendering of ID.Buzz as a pickup. This was a proposal that was on the drawing board when […]
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YouTube is trying to hide likes as well. However, it is still possible to see if you really want to.
YouTube is not content to stop showing dislikes, because now the platform also seems to be trying to hide likes, type. Users have turned to […]
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ConceptPix says that their mouse is better for ergonomics. Minimal mouse is said to be better for the wrist.
A company called ConceptPix has developed a wireless mouse with a slightly odd design, a shape that the company says should be better for the […]
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The number of fatal accidents with snowmobiles has doubled. Sad development.
Now we are reached by the sad news that the number of fatal accidents with snowmobiles has doubled in the last two seasons. This year […]
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Call of Duty begins to hide opponents from cheaters. The anti-cheating system makes cheaters blind.
Activision has introduced a new function in its anti-cheating system Ricochet Call of Duty which can probably make the game a bit awkward for those […]
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中国ウェイボ、IPアドレス公開設定開始 「悪質な行為」に対処
4月28日、中国の短文投稿サイト運営、微博(ウェイボ)は、オンライン上での「悪質な行為」をなくすため、ユーザーのIPアドレスをアカウントページとコメント投稿時に公開すると発表した。写真は会社のロゴ。2021年12月撮影(2022年 ロイター/Florence Lo) [北京 28日 ロイター] – 中国の短文投…
Disney presents Dreamlight Valley. Sim game with characters from Disney and Pixar.
Disney has released a trailer for its upcoming game Dreamlight Valley which will be released in a preview version this summer. IN Dreamlight Valley the […]
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Next month’s PlayStation Plus game. FIFA 22.
The month of May is approaching and it also means that some new games will soon appear on Playstation Plus. The games PlayStation Plus subscribers […]
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テレビ取材ドタキャンでフルーツサンド1000個……で思い出したこと – 情報の海の漂流者
news.yahoo.co.jp この記事を読んで色々思い出したので久々に記事を書いてみる。 テレビ番組への対応って番組放送中だけでは終わらず、番組を見てお店に来てくれるはずのお客さんへの対応もセットで考える必要がある。 (お客の立場からすれば、番組で取り上げられた商品が目当てで遠くから来てみたのに、品切れで買えな…