
光速c、重力定数G、電子の電荷の大きさe、プランク定数h。 宇宙を支配する物理の4大定数を、NASA元研究員の小谷太郎氏がやさしく解説。 現在のテーマは「プランク定数h」。 原子の構造がニュートン力学に合わないことに気付いた科学者たちは、ミクロな世界は奇想天外な量子力学にもとづいているのだと発見してゆく。 ニ…

二重スリット実験では1つの粒子が2つの経路に分割されている、広島大が確認 (1)


M1 Macは8GBでもメモリ不足にならない?

Intel Macの場合なぜ、多くの人が安くないお金を払ってまでメモリが多いMacを購入したがるのでしょうか。 メモリが足りないから? いいえ、Mac(WindowsやLinuxも同じですが)には「仮想記憶」という仕組みがあります。 仮想記憶とは全てのアプリに仮想的なメモリを割り当てる仕組みです。 たとえ物理メモリが8GBであっても…

古典力学 – オススメの参考書 (上級者向けを意識して) | Math Relish

古典力学 – オススメの参考書 (上級者向けを意識して) 物理学の入口,それは古典力学. 書店に出向けば古典力学 (以下,しばしば単に力学) のテキストが必ずあるはずだ. 何よりも一つの体系立った最も古い物理学なので,一口にテキストといっても微分積分学のテキストのように,星の数ほどある. その中でも以下では上…

The Large Hadron Collider is smashing protons again after a three-year hiatus

The Large Hadron Collider, the particle accelerator that enabled the discovery of the Higgs boson, is back in action after over three years in hiatus. CERN shut the accelerator down for maintenance and upgrade work that was extended due to delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, it’s ready to smash particles for various research projects throughout its third run that’s scheduled to last until 2026. In fact, two beams of protons had already circulated in opposite directions around the 27-kilometer collider as of April 22nd at 12:16 CEST (6:16AM Eastern Time). 

It’s just a start, however: The beams contained a relatively small number of protons and circulated at 450 billion electronvolts. The LHC team will ramp up the energy and intensity of the beams until the accelerator can perform collisions at a record energy of 13.6 trillion electronvolts.

Mike Lamont, CERN’s Director for Accelerators and Technology, said:

“The machines and facilities underwent major upgrades during the second long shutdown of CERN’s accelerator complex. The LHC itself has undergone an extensive consolidation programme and will now operate at an even higher energy and, thanks to major improvements in the injector complex, it will deliver significantly more data to the upgraded LHC experiments.”

Research teams using the accelerator for their studies are expecting to be able to perform a lot more collisions — one, in particular, is expecting a 50 times increase — thanks to the upgrade. The more powerful LHC will allow scientists to study the Higgs boson more closely and to resume their hunt for a particle that proves the existence of dark matter with a more capable tool at hand. 

At the moment, dark matter is but a hypothetical form of matter that’s believed to be five times more prevalent than its ordinary counterpart. It’s invisible, doesn’t reflect or emit light, and all attempts at looking for it have so far been unsuccessful. LHC researchers have narrowed down the regions where the particle may be hidden, though, and the upgraded accelerator could bring us closer to its discovery. To note, CERN previously approved plans to build a more powerful $23 billion super-collider that’s 100 km in circumference, but its construction isn’t expected to begin until 2038.