志摩スペイン村ホテル 新たにシングルユース素泊まりプランを導入 おそろしく速い判断、俺じゃなきゃ見逃しちゃうね https://t.co/8WCeQyBnLP https://t.co/Xschuxootw
見習いエンジニア on Twitter: “それより、人間ピラミッドを教えるのをやめて金融教育すべき。人間ピラミッドを社会で使ったことがない https://t.co/7W3hYqgH8D”
それより、人間ピラミッドを教えるのをやめて金融教育すべき。人間ピラミッドを社会で使ったことがない https://t.co/7W3hYqgH8D
Check out the Convair Nexus rocket. The giant rocket that never got off.
Here is a feature from the YouTube channel “Escape Velocity” where they talk a little more about a giant rocket that NASA was considering building […]
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Check out when Gravity flies up a mountain. The jet suit could be a complement to rescue helicopters in the future.
Gravity Industries has released a new clip showing how their jet suit is used to fly up the slightly over 900 meter right mountain Helvellyn […]
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Practice on job interviews with Google. Google is releasing the Interview Warmup tool.
Google has released a new tool where users can practice job interviews in a number of different areas, most notably areas of the tech industry. […]
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Alpha Motors continues to build electric cars in the computer. This is Rex.
Alpha Motors has still not started making any cars, but they are eager to send out crisp renderings that make one want their electric creations. […]
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The order books for Tesla Semi have opened. Now the truck can finally (?) Be ordered.
Tesla has now opened the order books for the truck Semi in the U.S. You can get it with a range of either 48 or […]
The post The order books for Tesla Semi have opened. Now the truck can finally (?) Be ordered. appeared first on Gamingsym.
柏井 on Twitter: “スタートレックに『うる星やつら』って書いてるらしいの見つけた人すごいな https://t.co/VUYJXRSrxk”
スタートレックに『うる星やつら』って書いてるらしいの見つけた人すごいな https://t.co/VUYJXRSrxk
まもるくん/弁護士/FIRE on Twitter: “塩で雑草対策しちゃいけなんだよ…それを町内会が繰り返し… https://t.co/lemfb1T9uA”
塩で雑草対策しちゃいけなんだよ…それを町内会が繰り返し… https://t.co/lemfb1T9uA
毎日新聞、戦中写真6万点アーカイブ化 東大・京大教授らと共同研究 | 毎日新聞
戦中写真のデジタルアーカイブについて説明する東京大大学院の渡邉英徳教授(奥右)と京都大の貴志俊彦教授(同左)=東京都文京区で2022年5月18日午後1時13分、猪飼健史撮影 毎日新聞社は18日、日中戦争や太平洋戦争中に戦地にいた特派員らが撮影した写真やネガを活用し、当時の状況を視覚的に分かりやすくまとめた「デ…