
Tesla has now opened the order books for the truck Semi in the U.S. You can get it with a range of either 48 or 80 miles and the consumption should be around 12.4 kWh per mile. Under the shell there are four electric motors and the crew should when it weighs 36 tons be able to do 0-100 in just over 20 seconds.

The starting price for those who can cover 480 km will be 150,000 dollars, those who cover 80 km will instead cost from 180,000 dollars. If you want to reserve a copy, you can cough up 5,000 dollars immediately, and then another 15,000 dollars within ten days. When you then get your truck is unclear and remains to be seen, it is already many years late. Elon Musk has said that the focus right now is on existing models – Model S, 3, X and Y. Next year, they will start manufacturing what has been upside down – Cybertruck, Roadster and Semi.


Bil, Tesla,

Tesla Semi, truck, order, order books, orders

Tesla’s truck out on the test track

Maybe will be launched sometime then?

In November 2017, Tesla presented the truck Semi, but still no customers have received any copies, and many have ordered. But now we see some light anyway because a prototype of the truck was seen driving on Tesla’s test track. The plan was that the first customers would get their cars already in 2019, but as you know, it never happened. Exactly when this may happen is also still unclear. At the end of this year, the latest talk is in any case. Semi on the track pic.twitter.com/0QCTYGbLJv— Tesla (@Tesla) March 14, 2021


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Tesla’s truck will have a range of up to 100 miles

Elon confirms

In a new interview, Elon Musk has once again talked a bit about the upcoming Semi truck. Among other things, he confirmed that the truck will have a range of up to 100 miles. Already in May 2018, it was said that it would be able to cover up to 96 km, but now it seems to be 100 km that applies. Range will be possible thanks to Tesla’s proprietary battery cells and battery pack. The total weight of a fully loaded Semi will be around 40 tons. The interview with Elon can be seen below.


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Tesla’s truck is here and the numbers are impressive!

80 miles range and 0-100 km / h in 5 sec

Then there was this, Tesla’s future, which also includes a truck. It’s called the Tesla Semi and the numbers shown are quite impressive. The car should have a range of 80 miles when you push forward on the highway and full load hangs behind it – which is 40 tons. When fully loaded, you should be able to get from a standstill to 96 km / h in 20 seconds. If you disconnect the trailer, it can cover the same distance in just five seconds, which is really fast for a truck. Four electric motors drive the car forward and they are connected to the four wheels that hide behind the panels at the back. These wheels are also “smart” and completely independent of each other. This means, among other things, that you should never be able to “fold down” the truck where the car and trailer collide. Each individual wheel drives as much or as little as needed and then makes sure that this unfortunate never happens.


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