WSJより。 競合他社が、サプライチェーンの混乱で慌てふためく中、Appleが何年もかけて行っていた独自のシリコン設計という危険を伴った取り組みが実を結んだ。 ティム・ヒギンス Apple社には問題があった。iPhoneが飛ぶように売れている一方、Macコンピュータの売上は伸び悩んでいた。デザインや性能も、顧客は満足して…
Official Game Boy emulator seems to be on the way. Nice, very nice.
The majority people claims to have found evidence that Game Boy games may be on the way for the Nintendo Switch. People have namely rummaged […]
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The police introduce requirements for e-identification when booking a passport. So that there will be a little more order and order.
The police have now updated their system for booking appointments for applying for a passport or national ID card. After the update, it is required […]
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Sonos has something new going on. Invites to events 25 May.
It seems that Sonos is going to show something new next month when they just sent out invitations to an event on May 25 with […]
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NASA rolls back the giant SLS rocket to its hangar. After failed genre rep.
NASA announced this weekend that it will roll back the giant rocket SLS (Space Launch System) to its hangar, something it is doing after it […]
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Jason Momoa jumps on the Minecraft movie. It is unclear who he will play.
Hollywood star Jason Momoa is said to be ready for a role in Warner Bros. upcoming Minecraft movie to be directed by Jared Hess (Napoleon […]
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Developers warn of fraudulent applications on Mac App Store
Developer Jeff Johnson, who is behind the Safari extension Stop The Madness, among other things, has in one long thread on Twitter attacked Mac App […]
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Netflix makes Exploding Kittens games for mobile. Released for the upcoming series based on the card game.
Netflix has announced that it will release both a mobile game and an animated TV series based on the card game Exploding Kittens. The card […]
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Raspberry Piを使って往年のMacのようなデスクトップを再現した「SystemSix」|fabcross
レトロなClassic Mac OS風インターフェースを再現したガジェット「SystemSix」がRaspberry Pi公式ブログで紹介された。 SystemSixは、天気予報や月齢、カレンダーに登録した予定を電子ペーパーディスプレイで表示する卓上カレンダーだ。開発者のJohn Calhoun氏が初めて入手したApple製品はMacintosh Plusで、SystemSixの…
Long interview with Elon Musk. Chris Anderson interviews.
This week there has been a TED conference and there have been some clips with Elon Musk from it. But TED founder Chris Anderson also […]
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