For some reason, the letter Z has become some kind of symbol for those who support Putin and Russia in the war with Ukraine, in […]
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For some reason, the letter Z has become some kind of symbol for those who support Putin and Russia in the war with Ukraine, in […]
The post How did Z become Putin’s and Russia’s symbol? Very unclear what it stands for. appeared first on Gamingsym.
The investigation into the so-called Private Copy Compensation that started in 2020 is now complete. It is about the compensation that electronics retailers or manufacturers […]
The post Investigation of the Private Copy Compensation completed. Proposed to be administered by a new authority in the future. appeared first on Gamingsym.
本日、アシカンが、NOMAD製のiPhone向けケース「NOMAD Sport Case for iPhone」を発売しました。 「NOMAD Sport Case」は、激しい作業やスポーツをしながら「iPhone」を携 …
Fragbite and the Swedish Chess Federation are now starting what is said to be Sweden’s first sporting sport for chess. The new league has been […]
The post Swedish esports league in chess starts next month. The Swedish Chess League has a prize pool of SEK 101,000. appeared first on Gamingsym.
ブラジルの裁判所が、「電源アダプターを付属させずにiPhoneを販売したのは、不可欠な製品を別売りにするブラジルの法律に違反する」として、Appleに対し消費者への賠償金支払いを命じました。Apple側は「電源アダプターを付属させないのは環境保護のため」と主張していましたが、退けられました。 Apple indenizará cli…
リーク情報をもとに未発表のApple製品のレンダリング画像を作成しているIan Zelbo氏によると、「iPhone 14 Pro」は本体の角の部分がより丸みを帯びたデザインに変更されると予想しています。 「iPhone … …
NASA has invited a number of American companies that it hopes will be able to develop future communication systems that can replace one of the […]
The post NASA is taking help to build the space communications of the future. SpaceX, Amazon and others will help with that. appeared first on Gamingsym.
On May 8, it’s time for the Miami GP and to hype a bit about this, Red Bull decided to speed up again. Sergio “Checo” […]
The post From New York to Miami in an F1 car. Sergio “Checo” Perez drove an RB7. appeared first on Gamingsym.
Amazon announced today that it will open up its Amazon Prime delivery network to third-party retailers. The new service will be called “Buy With Prime”. […]
The post Amazon opens up Amazon Prime for other suppliers. Should start competing with UPS, FedEx and the Post? appeared first on Gamingsym.
AppleInsiderはそのオーディエンスによってサポートされており、対象となる購入でAmazonアソシエイトおよびアフィリエイトパートナーとしてコミッションを獲得する場合があります。 これらのアフィリエイトパートナーシップは、当社の編集コンテンツに影響を与えません。
Appleの健康担当副社長であるSumbulDesai博士は、2022年のLife Itselfカンファレンスで、同社の医学研究について話します。このカンファレ…