iPhoneだけで撮影~完成まで。しかも無料。iMovie3.0の使い方【小寺信良の週刊 Electric Zooma!】
After 7 years, the mystery is finally revealed! Why the iPhone is getting more and more stuck: Apple deliberately
The mystery was not revealed until 7 years later. Why many users shouted that the more the iPhone was updated, the more stuck, it was […]
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Apple、Google、MicrosoftとFIDO Allianceは現地時間5月5日、パスワードを使用しない安全性の高いユーザー認証の普及に向けた取り組みを強化することを発表しました。新機能により、ユーザーはWebサイトやアプリを、安全・便利に利用することが可能になります。 2023年にかけて利用可能に パスワードによるユーザー認証…
Samsung releases new microSD cards for dashcams. Must be able to record non-stop for up to 16 years.
When it comes to storage for, for example, cameras that constantly record, the lifespan of the storage is very important, Samsung already offers its Endurance […]
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Nvidia is working on producing super-thin VR glasses. So that we do not have to walk around with VR helmets in the future.
Researchers at Nvidia and the American University of Stanford have developed a prototype of a pair of VR glasses that is significantly thinner than the […]
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すべてのメッセージアプリで既読をオフにする方法2022.04.20 18:30 David Nield – Gizmodo US [原文] ( 塚本直樹 ) Image: Asterfolio/Unsplash プライバシーって、大事です。 現代のチャットアプリには、送信したメッセージが見られたか、さらには相手がメッセージをいつ見たかを知らせる開封確認(既読)が搭載さ…
Underwater waterproof case for iPhone
Most modern premium smartphones are clad in waterproof cases, but manufacturers do not guarantee the safety of the device after contact with liquids. That is, […]
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In addition to its production problems, BOE would have modified its OLED panels without warning
The problems continue for BOE, supplier of OLED panels for Apple since the iPhone 12. The Chinese manufacturer was already struggling to maintain its production […]
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Check when Arizona police use a Grappler. Stops a car efficiently.
Nail mat in all its glory, but this sandwich bulb seems a bit smarter. It is called the Grappler, is mounted in the front of […]
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Apple、テスター向けに「iOS 15.5 Public Beta 4」と「iPadOS 15.5 Public Beta 4」をリリース
本日、Appleが、テスター向けに「iOS 15.5 Public Beta 4」と「iPadOS 15.5 Public Beta 4」の提供を開始しました。 各パブリックベータ版はApple Beta Softwar …