Amazon opens up Amazon Prime for other suppliers. Should start competing with UPS, FedEx and the Post?

Amazon announced today that it will open up its Amazon Prime delivery network to third-party retailers. The new service will be called “Buy With Prime”. […]

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Shadowrun Trilogy will be released on Switch, PS5, PS4, Xbox and Game Pass in June

Paradox Interactive has announced that Shadowrun Trilgoy read consoles tras llevar available on PC one time. The recopilator that includes Shadowrun Returns, Shadowrun: Dragonfall – […]

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Wimbledon gates Russian players. Players from Belarus are also not welcome to the tennis tournament.

The long-established British tennis tournament Wimbledon announced yesterday that players from Russia and Belarus are not welcome to participate in this year’s edition of the […]

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ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグ:中村正人(ドリカム DAIVA:浅倉大介 OUT→ BURAI:Show-Ya 天外魔境:坂本龍一 ←IN 惜しかった(というか人によっては入れ替わるであろう)候補 すぎやまこういち:当時「あのすぎやまが!」だったのかもしれないけど、今ではドラクエの人(俺の中ではずっとイデオンの人だけど) タケカ…