WSJより。 競合他社が、サプライチェーンの混乱で慌てふためく中、Appleが何年もかけて行っていた独自のシリコン設計という危険を伴った取り組みが実を結んだ。 ティム・ヒギンス Apple社には問題があった。iPhoneが飛ぶように売れている一方、Macコンピュータの売上は伸び悩んでいた。デザインや性能も、顧客は満足して…
the future Xeon processor in 56 cores on the run
The group Intel should offer a new family of Xeon processors for servers this year. The new series Sapphire Rapids will bring a number of […]
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【匠の部屋】vProで使うべきツールはどれ? ツール不要の「Web UI」から、大規模環境向けの「Intel EMA」まで一挙紹介[Sponsored]
【匠の部屋】vProで使うべきツールはどれ? ツール不要の「Web UI」から、大規模環境向けの「Intel EMA」まで一挙紹介[Sponsored]
14nm toothpaste upgrade no longer has Intel 18A process praised by experts: reliable! -Intel, CPU processor, technology–Fast Technology (the media of Drive House)–Technology changes the future
In the past few years, TSMC has become the world’s most advanced semiconductor manufacturing company, which also makesIntelThe company feels the pressure, and the root […]
The post 14nm toothpaste upgrade no longer has Intel 18A process praised by experts: reliable! -Intel, CPU processor, technology–Fast Technology (the media of Drive House)–Technology changes the future appeared first on Gamingsym.
Intel’s biggest upgrade in 19 years on ATX 3.0 power supply: welcoming 1800W graphics card power consumption
since2003launched inATX 2.Xversion of the power specification,19yearsPCThe power supply was running just fine until this year3month,IntelreleaseATX 3.0Power Specifications, new12VHPWR 16The pin interface can bePCIe 5.0Graphics […]
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13th Generation Core Notebook Processor Appears: Running Score Easily Outperforms i9-12900HK-Intel, Notebook, Raptor Lake
Intel’s 12th-generation Core products are excellent. Through the architecture of large and small cores, the desktop has successfully achieved 16 cores, and the notebook side […]
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【ノートPC選び】INTEL Celeron J4125 の性能は?
Intel Celeron J4125 は 2019年冬以降に発売された価格帯ノートPCに使われていたCPUです。 2022年3月時点において、Amazonなどの通販サイトで販売されている3万円台~4万円台の格安ノートで […]