Five hundred years of the vulgar tongue ‘Quite simply the best historical dictionary of English slang there is, ever has been […] or is ever likely to be’ — Journal of English Language and Linguistics Advanced search
Practice Live Job Interviews – For Free
Pramp definitely played a role in my performance. Nothing beats mock coding interviews. I still remember my first coding interview […]a few years back with another company. I was so nervous, and shaking…, and sweating… needless to say, I failed it. It’s come a long way since then. Believe i…
qu以外の綴りでqを含む英単語の一覧 – Wikipedia
QWERTYは、現在使用されており、外来語由来でない、qu以外のqを含む英単語の一つである。キーボード配列の一種。 本項目ではqu以外の綴りでqを含む英単語(quいがいのつづりでqをふくむえいたんご)について概説する。現代英語の正書法において、“Q”は、“U”を伴って“qu”の綴りで用いるのが原則である。これは1066年のノ…
Strunk, William, Jr. 1918. The Elements of Style
Make definite assertions. Avoid tame, colorless, hesitating, non-committal language.—Rule 12 Asserting that one must first know the rules to break them, this classic reference book is a must-have for any student and conscientious writer. Intended for use in which the practice of composition is co…