One person controls 180,000 cameras! Why is it so hard to take candid photos?

According to a report from the Ministry of Public Security, since November 2021, the Cyber ​​Security Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security has deployed […]

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「すごい……本当に真っ黒」。リコーイメージングが一風変わった一眼レフカメラのクラウドファンディングを実施して注目を集めている。 「すごい……本当に真っ黒」「欲しくはあります。コレ(お金)次第ですね」──光学機器メーカーのリコーイメージングが一風変わった一眼レフカメラのクラウドファンディングを実施している…

It is reported that Fujifilm will hold a new product launch conference on May 31 to launch the fifth-generation X-series camera

IT House April 17 news, according to Fujirumors news, Fujifilm (Fujifilm) will hold a new product launch conference on May 31 to launch the fifth-generation […]

The post It is reported that Fujifilm will hold a new product launch conference on May 31 to launch the fifth-generation X-series camera appeared first on Gamingsym.