有料定期購読マガジンに屈しました – 本しゃぶり

noteで有料の定期購読マガジンを始めた。 この記事ではマガジンを始めた理由や運用方針について、本しゃぶりの内情を交えつつ説明していく。 定期購読マガジンはじめました 読者ファーストで考える 収益を増やす手段の検討 PV単価と広告 PVを伸ばすには はてブの限界 定期購読マガジンの役割 来そうな質問に対する答え …

サガン鳥栖の2021年度は4期連続となる赤字決算 福岡社長「今期は確実に黒字化を目指す」 :

Twitter: 20 Facebook LINEでおくる B! Bookmark 更新通知を受ける サガン鳥栖は23日、2021年度の決算を発表しました。 純損失は2億2093万円で、赤字決算は4期連続。債務超過は4億6402万円としています。 [スポニチ]鳥栖 4期連続の赤字決算 福岡社長「債務超過の解消に何とかもう一歩のところ」 https://www.sponichi….

European Union limits targeted advertising and content algorithms under new law

Following a marathon 16-hour negotiation session, the European Union reached an agreement early Saturday to adopt the Digital Services Act. The legislation seeks to impose greater accountability on the world’s tech giants by enforcing new obligations companies of all sizes must adhere to once the act becomes law in 2024. Like the Digital Markets Act before it, the DSA could have far-reaching implications, some of which could extend beyond Europe.

While the European Commission has yet to release the final text of the Digital Services Act, it did detail some of its provisions on Saturday. Most notably, the law bans ads that target individuals based on their religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity or political affiliation. Companies also cannot serve targeted ads to minors.

Another part of the law singles out recommendation algorithms. Online platforms like Facebook will need to be transparent about how those systems work to display content to users. They will also need to offer alternative systems “not based on profiling,” meaning more platforms would need to offer chronological feeds. Additionally, some of the largest platforms today will be required to share “key” data to vetted researchers and NGOs so those groups can provide insights into “how online risks evolve.”

“Today’s agreement on the Digital Services Act is historic, both in terms of speed and of substance,” said European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. “It will ensure that the online environment remains a safe space, safeguarding freedom of expression and opportunities for digital businesses. It gives practical effect to the principle that what is illegal offline, should be illegal online.”

Under the DSA, the EU will have the power to fine tech companies up to six percent of their global turnover for rule violations, with repeat infractions carrying the threat of a ban from the bloc. As The Guardian points out, in the case of a company like Meta, that would translate into a single potential fine of approximately $7 billion.

The DSA differentiates between tech companies of different sizes, with the most scrutiny reserved for platforms that have at least 45 million users in the EU. In that group are companies like Meta and Google. According to a recent report, those two, in addition to Apple, Amazon and Spotify, collectively spent more than €27 million lobbying EU policymakers last year to change the terms of the Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act. The laws could inspire lawmakers in other countries, including the US, as they look to pass their own antitrust laws.

“We welcome the DSA’s goals of making the internet even more safe, transparent and accountable, while ensuring that European users, creators and businesses continue to benefit from the open web,” a Google spokesperson told Engadget. “As the law is finalized and implemented, the details will matter. We look forward to working with policymakers to get the remaining technical

軽EV「200万円切りの圧力」 日産・三菱自動車が先陣

日経の記事利用サービスについて 企業での記事共有や会議資料への転載・複製、注文印刷などをご希望の方は、リンク先をご覧ください。 詳しくはこちら 軽自動車の電気自動車(EV)化が2022年から一気に進む。日産自動車・三菱自動車が軽EVを発売するのを皮切りに、ホンダ、スズキ、ダイハツ工業も25年までに軽EVを投入す…

Judge dismisses most claims in Sony gender discrimination lawsuit

A gender discrimination lawsuit against Sony has run into significant hurdles. Axios has learned that judge Laurel Beeler dismissed 10 of plaintiff Emma Majo’s 13 claims due to multiple issues. Majo didn’t provide enough evidence to make a case in some instances, Beeler said, while in others she incorrectly asserted that promotions and demotions constituted harassment.

Majo first sued Sony in November over allegations of institutional discrimination. The former PlayStation security analyst accused Sony of firing her for discussing sexism she reportedly encountered at the company. Sony tried to have the suit tossed out due to both vague details and a lack of corroborating claims, but the case gathered momentum in March when eight other women joined in and raised the potential for class action status.

The judge will still allow three claims surrounding wrongful termination and violations of whistleblower protections, however, and she rejected Sony’s attempt to block any chance of class action status. As the other claims were dismissed without prejudice, Majo is free to revisit them if and when she can better support them.

Sony denied Majo’s discrimination allegations, but it also said in March that it would take the women’s complaints “seriously.” As it stands, the partial dismissal clearly isn’t what the company wanted — it still has to face potentially grave implications, and may be pressured to join companies like Activision Blizzard in reforming its internal culture.

北海道沖太平洋のサケマス漁来月にも ロシアと漁業交渉妥結 | NHK

ロシアによるウクライナ侵攻の影響で遅れていた北海道沖の太平洋でのサケ・マス漁が来月初めにも始まる見通しになりました。 水産庁は日本とロシアの漁業交渉が実質的に妥結したと発表しました。 日本の排他的経済水域のうち、北海道の南の沖合の太平洋で行われるサケ・マス漁は、ロシアの川で生まれた魚が多いため、毎…

50億円取立不能のOKWAVE、問題発覚前に元社長が大量の株式を売却 – M&A Online – M&Aをもっと身近に。

Q&Aメディアの運用やオンライングリーティングカードサービスなどを提供するオウケイウェイヴ<3808>が、2022年4月19日49億3,300万円の債権の取立不能または遅延のおそれがあると発表しました。2021年6月期第4四半期から資金の運用を取引先に委託しており、元金と運用益の回収が危うくなったとの説明をしています。 オ…


matryosika@ニッケル @matryo_sika 宣伝する気分ではないので、パワポの機能で思うこと: ・ルビ機能ほしい ・レーザーポインターのオンオフをもっと簡単にしてほしい ・箇条書きの点色が文字色と同じになるのを直してほしい ・zoom等で画面を取り違えない工夫ほしい ・発表中にインク注釈書き込み時のペン先の見づらさ…

日立、日立物流を売却 KKRに6000億円超で

日経の記事利用サービスについて 企業での記事共有や会議資料への転載・複製、注文印刷などをご希望の方は、リンク先をご覧ください。 詳しくはこちら 日立製作所はグループ会社の日立物流を売却する方針を固めた。現在株式の4割を保有する筆頭株主だが、比率を1割まで引き下げる。米大手ファンドのKKRに売却に向けた優…

日立、日立物流を売却 KKRが6000億円超で買収へ

日経の記事利用サービスについて 企業での記事共有や会議資料への転載・複製、注文印刷などをご希望の方は、リンク先をご覧ください。 詳しくはこちら 日立製作所はグループ会社の日立物流を売却する方針を固めた。現在株式の4割を保有する筆頭株主だが、比率を1割まで引き下げる。米大手ファンドのKKRに売却に向けた優…