今月10日、プロ野球史上最年少で完全試合を達成したロッテの佐々木朗希投手が、千葉市で行われた日本ハム戦に先発し8回を投げ、17日も1人のランナーも出さずに14個の三振を奪う、完璧なピッチングを見せました。 開幕から4試合連続でふた桁奪三振 佐々木投手は、今月10日に千葉市のZOZOマリンスタジアムで行われたオリッ…
Major League Baseball will stream 15 games on YouTube this season
Like an ambitious butcher trying to cleave a dollar of meat out of a 10-cent steak, Major League Baseball announced on Thursday that it is carving out a bit more of its television broadcast rights, renewing its four-season-old deal for the “MLB Game of the Week Live on YouTube” with the Alphabet property. But unlike other recently struck deals, these streaming exclusives will be free to watch and without local blackout restrictions.
Beginning with the Rockies-Nats game on May 5th (first pitch 3:10 ET), YouTube will once again be home to more than a dozen MLB games throughout the 2022 season. Broadcasters Scott Braun and Yonder Alonso return to call the play-by-play. The full lineup is as follows:
Washington Nationals at Colorado Rockies — Thursday, May 5 at 3:10 ET
Milwaukee Brewers at Cincinnati Reds — Wednesday, May 11 at 12:35 ET
Arizona Diamondbacks at Chicago Cubs — Friday, May 20 at 2:20 ET
Detroit Tigers at Minnesota Twins — Wednesday, May 25 at 1:10 ET
Kansas City Royals at Cleveland Guardians — Wednesday, June 1 at 1:10 ET
Toronto Blue Jays at Kansas City Royals — Wednesday, June 8 at 2:10 ET
Minnesota Twins at Seattle Mariners — Wednesday, June 15 at 4:10 ET
YouTubeTV subscribers will be able to find these games on the service’s dedicated Game of the Week channel while everybody else will see them on the MLB YouTube page. Fans will be able to interact with the broadcasts either via the live chat, “featuring game commentary from MLB superfan YouTube creators,” as well as in-game polls and, for subscribers, access to real-time game stats.
The 2022 MLB season is riddled with exclusive broadcast deals. Beyond the standard local blackout rules, 18 Sunday games will be only available with a $10-a-month Peacock subscription, AppleTV+ ($6 a month) gets the Friday Doubleheaders, and ESPN has dibs on Sunday Night Baseball. There’s also MLB.TV which has rights to everything but is far more expensive than its alternatives, at least until the All-Star break.
札幌ドーム「日本ハム移転の穴」どう埋める? 赤字残る可能性も(毎日新聞) – Yahoo!ニュース
札幌市豊平区の札幌ドーム=本社機「希望」から2018年9月12日午前10時半、本社機「希望」から梅村直承撮影 巨大施設の行く末は、本当に大丈夫なのだろうか。プロ野球・北海道日本ハムファイターズが今季限りで移転する札幌ドーム(札幌市豊平区)。新型コロナウイルス流行前の2019年度は、プロ野球が利用用途の47%を占…
【阪神】サヨナラ負けで今季2度目の5連敗 勝率・067 勝率6分台はプロ野球史上初の珍事 – プロ野球 : 日刊スポーツ
満身創痍(そうい)状態の阪神が、中日にサヨナラ負けを喫し、引き分けを挟んで5連敗となった。勝率はわずか6分7厘となり、16試合時点では79年西武の7分1厘を下回り、プロ野球最低となってしまった。 【スコア】プロ野球スコア速報>>開幕からわずか1勝と苦戦が続くが、さらに苦境に陥った。この日、江越大賀外野手(29…