Is there a coverup going on about the police response to the Uvalde school massacre? While the 18-year-old shooter was inside a classroom with elementary students, some who had covered themselves in their classmates’ blood to hide and others who may ha…


I’m a little nervous about this cartoon. But I think I’m right to draw it. I hate explaining cartoons in the blog, but I’m going to do that today. I already have people on Facebook screaming at me over this one, and that’s OK. A lot of people didn’t wa…


Did you know that more than 30 states have laws allowing school districts to arm teachers? Naturally, giving guns to teachers is a Republican idea, like banning doors. It’s not a great idea to arm teachers. Some states require over 150 hours of firearm…

5 ways to reduce school shootings

Restrictive gun laws bring down the murder rate.Anadolu Agency / Getty Images Paul Boxer, Rutgers University – Newark After the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, in 2018, psychology professor Paul Boxer and his colleagues reviewed research to see w…

On this day in 1980, Ted Turner launched CNN

Flickr CC Television news fragmentation in the United States began on 01 June 1980 when Robert “Ted” Turner launched CNN in Atlanta, Georgia. At that time, national television news took place for 30 minutes each evening about dinner time. TV sets would…


I broke one of my rules for this cartoon. I’m not big on holiday cartoons to begin with and since I’m a freelancer, I don’t have to draw them now. Back when I worked at The Free Lance-Star, my editor demanded a cartoon for every Memorial and Veterans D…