
I was hungry and ate a Snickers bar, but a piece of glass inside knocked out my teeth. Such a horrible thing happened in reality. According to Japanese media reports on the 13th, the Japanese company of the global confectionery giant Mars Group recently announced that its chocolate “Snickers” will be recalled due to the mixing of glass pieces, and 3.01 million products will be recalled: including the shelf life until January 8, 2023 and February 5 Japan’s “Snickers Peanuts Single Pack”, “Snickers 180g Pack”, “Snickers Mini Pack”, and “White Snickers” with an expiration date of January 8, 2023. The company said that some customers reported that their teeth fell out after eating the products. After investigation, it was found that a piece of glass about 7 mm long was mixed into it, so it decided to recycle the products produced by the same production line. In addition, as early as February 2016, Mars Corporation of the United States issued an announcement saying that due to the discovery of “plastic chips” in Snickers chocolate products sold in Germany, it may cause choking on consumers, and decided to recall related products worldwide. But Mars China .
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