
The fact that the WoW makers want to revise the craft of the online role-playing game with WoW: Dragonflight is positive for most players. And me too, because although crafting in WoW has always been rather simple, I put a lot, a lot of time into it – mainly in the grind of materials. I had the useful items when they still made sense, back when there were still specializations.

After that, the importance of the craft gradually drifted into insignificance, which I actually think is a shame. Crafting used to be an additional way to get cool and game-related items. I’ve always been a tailor with my priest, and I’ve seen firsthand how redundant and meaningless my wares have become.

Nonetheless, with this character I was and always will be a tailor. It’s never been about min-maxing for me, it’s about the fact that my character class wears cloth armor and I’ve been fooled into believing (not that stupid back then) that that’s the best way to complement my hero. In this respect, they aim for WoW (buy now ): Dragonflight announced changes to craft full pot aimed at gamers like me; Veterans of Azeroth who always had one job with one hero at heart. For me it was always the priest who is always a tailor and an enchanter.

Do not underestimate the craftsmen!

I follow the news on the Professions in Dragonflight with curiosity. And I’m not alone in that. There really are a lot of WoW players out there who are longing for a meaningful crafting system; who still carry around the good memories of specialization and exclusivity.

When my esteemed colleagues ask who is interested in the professions, I say: with more than 3,000 WoW players questioned ended up the adjustments to crafting following the revamps of talents in the top spots of Dragonflight’s most interesting features. Ey sorry, but please don’t underestimate, everyone here, how many WoW fans are still in the mood for something like crafting in Azeroth.

Crafting is fun. And just because some players have given up expecting anything from crafting, that shouldn’t be taken as a general opinion.

The crux with retroactivity

Back to the Dragonflight announcements: crafting orders allow us to order items from crafters that we cannot craft ourselves. Specializations are coming back. Crafting equipment should strengthen the identification with my hero’s profession again. These are all great ideas, and I hope that the developers will implement the sometimes vague announcements.

More importantly, they take the time at Blizzard to make all crafting thoughtful and interesting, not just Dragonflight crafting. And that’s where I’m a little concerned. Because out Community Council developer comments it can be seen that the devs are not yet sure whether they will allow players to issue crafting orders for goods from the pre-Dragonflight expansions.

And that’s where my alarm bells are ringing. Because that sounds a bit like trying to cover up the inadequacies of crafting with a Dragonflight fig leaf because you don’t have the time to tackle the entire WoW craft. And that’s exactly what the fans want, isn’t it? That the entire Crafting feature will be revamped, not just a tenth of it. The entire talent system is turned upside down. And not just a tenth. All or nothing Blizzard, please take that to heart. Dragonflight is also about the future of WoW!

The post Fatal if that doesn’t work retroactively… appeared first on Gamingsym.