
In the field of AI chip market, NVIDIA has always been in the leading position, and Intel has been left behind due to reasons such as technology and team integration, and is now catching up.

Intel announced at its VISION 2022 conferenceThe new deep learning chips Habana Gaudi 2 and Habana Greco are used for AI training and AI inference respectively.

Both chips are built onBased on the high-efficiency architecture of Habana Labs, based on TSMC’s 7nm process, it supports diverse architectureshas low cost and high performance advantages compared to systems built with the same number of GPUs (graphics processing units).

Intel compared the Gaudi2 chip with NVIDIA’s A100 chip at the meeting. From the data point of view, the performance of Gaudi2 in video and natural language processing model tests such as RestNet50 Training Throughput and BERT Tranning Throughput has reached 2 times that of NVIDIA A100. about.

Intel makes up for its shortcomings: Launching the first batch of cloud AI chips to confront NVIDIA

It is understood that these two chips originated from the Israeli AI chip company Habana, which was established in 2016 and was acquired by Intel in 2019.

At present, Habana’s Gaudi chips have basically entered all leading Internet companies in China. AWS once said in 2020 that for machine learning tasks, the cost performance of Habana chips can be 40% higher than the current GPU-based cloud services.

Previously, NVIDIA was the absolute market leader in training AI models, and almost all AI companies were inseparable from it. Most of the inference tasks are undertaken by traditional Intel CPUs.

Now Intel has launched a new AI chip, indicating that it is gradually on the right track in its AI strategy, and it has to confront NVIDIA head-on.

Sandra Rivera, general manager of Intel’s Data Center and Artificial Intelligence Group, said,Intel has invested heavily in AI, but the return on investment and market impact have yet to fully unfold due to different strategies and different execution priorities.

Intel makes up for its shortcomings: Launching the first batch of cloud AI chips to confront NVIDIA

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Editor in charge: Antlersarticle error correction

Hashtags: AIDeep LearningIntel

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