
Apple Maps is celebrating its 10th anniversary this fall, and has come a long way since the swaying start to say the least. In the beginning, few people abandoned Google Maps for Maps, but in the countries that have received Apple’s new, upgraded 3D maps, many people prefer these.

In some areas, however, Google Maps is still better or just more feature rich. One such is driving directions for routes with more than one stop – it simply does not exist in Apple’s maps.

This fall, it will finally change that, as Apple will add support to add additional stops along the itinerary in Maps on iOS 16, Ipad OS 16 and Mac OS 13. You can plan a route on a device and then open it on another.

Other news that comes to Maps are ticket prices for public transport and the ability to handle public transport cards without opening a wallet.

Apple’s new, updated maps with, among other things, buildings in 3D and more terrain details will come to eleven new countries this autumn, but Sweden is not included. Despite the fact that the company’s survey cars have been driving around Sweden since the summer of 2020, the collection is not complete. On Apple’s website revealed that Apple is collecting data across the country during the summer.

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