
At 18:10 on June 11, the new third-generation Roewe RX5 will open blind booking. The new car will provide the NGP (Navigation Guided Pilot) function, becoming the industry’s first fuel vehicle equipped with intelligent navigation assisted driving technology. “New forces”. The car is equipped with a large 27-inch integrated wide-format screen with a resolution of 4032×756 full-screen resolution (4K level). What’s more awesome is that it also uses a 27-inch 4K panoramic intelligent interactive sliding screen with a sliding distance of 300mm. Rare within. In terms of intelligent driving, it is equipped with 8-megapixel front-facing ultra-high-definition camera, centimeter-level high-precision positioning module, ultrasonic radar, millimeter-wave radar and other 28 sensors, with 360° full coverage of high-precision perception and positioning capabilities. It can realize intelligent navigation assisted driving from point A to point B through the navigation route set by the car owner. It can not only cover various road conditions such as highways and urban expressways, but also automatically switch lanes and get on and off ramps autonomously, bringing users great benefits. Like an “old driver” experience. The NGP function is close to the usage habits of Chinese users.
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