
Tomorrow’s National College Entrance Examination: Don’t try uneaten food before the college entrance examination

Tomorrow will be the college entrance examination. For senior three students, this is a key test. I wish these students can get excellent results.

At this critical time, CCTV News also summarized some dietary requirements for candidates:

1. Do not eat food that you have never eaten to prevent gastrointestinal intolerance;

2. Do not eat too much raw and cold food to prevent gastrointestinal inflammation;

3. Do not eat too stimulating food, drink less strong tea and coffee, and ensure sleep.

This year, affected by the epidemic, various places have successively issued precautions for the college entrance examination. Candidates should fully understand and strictly abide by the epidemic prevention requirements of the test center, reduce unnecessary gatherings and cross-regional movement, go to places with high crowd mobility, and do not go to medium and high risk levels. region etc.

Gaokao test sites are usually cross-arranged, and candidates often need to go to another school to take the test. Therefore, being familiar with the environment around the test center in advance will help candidates to prepare well and enter the test state smoothly. If the test center is far from where you live, you can determine in advance a place where you can rest and eat near the test center. At the same time, pay attention to the weather forecast and make reasonable travel plans.

The day before the test, candidates should prepare their ID cards, admission tickets and the test equipment listed on the back of the admission ticket (2B pencil, black writing pen, ruler, compasses, triangle board, unenvelope eraser, standardized test template).

Before entering the exam, candidates must check themselves whether they are carrying prohibited items. The following items are not allowed to be brought into the examination room, such as: devices with wireless communication functions (such as mobile phones, wireless earphones, smart watches, sports bracelets, etc.), correction fluid, tape, correction tape and other items.

The 2022 college entrance examination is imminent. From June 7th, 11.93 million students will enter the examination room. This year, the number of applicants for the national college entrance examination has reached a record high, an increase of 1.15 million compared with last year. Finally, I wish the candidates all good results.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Snowflakearticle error correction

Hashtags: college entrance examination food test

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