
Imported from Spain, Betty’s extra virgin olive oil 3.785L pack is priced at 308 yuan, plus Tmall 618 cross-store discount of 50 yuan for every 300 yuan, limited time limited 160 yuan coupon, paid 98 yuan and free shipping. When cooking food with Betis olive oil, less oily smoke can better preserve the original color and flavor of the ingredients. Betis olive oil is made of high-quality olive fruits, and the taste is neutral. It is very suitable for people who eat olive oil for the first time. Betis olive oil acidity ≤ 0.5% is ideal for cold salad and cooking oil. Purchase reminder: Tmall flagship store products, authentic guarantee, support seven days no reason to return, please check the latest product evaluation before starting. Purchase link: Tmall (98 yuan) can also be used with superimposed red envelopes: 1. Jingdong 618 red envelopes (three times a day): Click here to receive or search for “welfare red envelopes 558” on Jingdong APP 2. Tmall 618 red envelopes (once a day): Click here to receive or search “Welfare Red Packet 558″ on Tmall Taobao APP[Advertisement]This article is used to share preferential promotion information, and the results are for reference only.
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The post Created for the taste of the Chinese people: Betty’s extra virgin olive oil 3.785L barrel is 98 yuan for bargain hunters appeared first on Gamingsym.