Optimize Images online with our compressor and converter! With our tool you can optimize and compress images (PNG, SVG, JPG, GIF), convert to newly formats such as webP or AVIF and scan your website to check the images that need optimization.
Kakeru: drawing app on browser
You can draw with your mouse or finger on any device: laptop, smartphone, tablet, etc. Styluses are also supported. You can share your drawing by sending URL. In addition, multiple people can draw together at the same time.
Inventory of the god-level gadgets produced by Microsoft: extremely practical
We use Microsoft Windows and Office every day, but Microsoft doesn’t just produce these large software products. In fact, Microsoft has a lot of high-quality […]
The post Inventory of the god-level gadgets produced by Microsoft: extremely practical appeared first on Gamingsym.
Inventory of the boutique gadgets produced by Microsoft: little-known but very useful – Programmer Sought
We use Microsoft Windows and Office every day, but Microsoft doesn’t just produce these large software products. In fact, Microsoft has a lot of high-quality […]
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GitHub – alufers/mitmproxy2swagger: Automagically reverse-engineer REST APIs via capturing traffic
mitmproxy2swagger video.mp4 A tool for automatically converting mitmproxy captures to OpenAPI 3.0 specifications. This means that you can automatically reverse-engineer REST APIs by just running the apps and capturing the traffic. Installation First you will need python3 and pip3.
[PS4] PS4Load v0.1.0 available – News and updates posted on LS
The developer Bucanero, who we know well for Apollo Save Tool on PS3 and more recently on PS4, offers a new tool called PS4 Self […]
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Visual Studio CodeがMarkdownのサポートを強化。ファイルのドロップでリンクを自動作成、見出しへの参照一覧など。Visual Studio Code 1.67(April 2022)
Visual Studio CodeがMarkdownのサポートを強化。ファイルのドロップでリンクを自動作成、見出しへの参照一覧など。Visual Studio Code 1.67(April 2022) マイクロソフトはコードエディタVisual Studio Code(以下、VSCode)の最新版となるバージョン1.67(2022年4月)をリリースしました。 The April release of @cod…
[PS4] PS4 Apollo Save Tool 1.2.0 released – News and updates posted on LS
Developer Damián Parrino, known as Bucanero, has just released a new version of PS4 Apollo Save Tool which is now available in version 1.2.0. For […]
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[Switch] SysDVR v5.3 available – News and updates posted on LS
The developer exelix11 offers a new version of SysDVR in version 5.3, under this name hides a tool which was regularly updated in 2019 and […]
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