百度和小馬智行在北京獲准提供無人化自動駕駛出行服務,服務範圍限定在亦莊經濟技術開發區 60 平方公里的核心區內。
Google now lets you request the removal of personal information from Search
You can now ask Google to remove your personal contact information, such as your physical and email addresses, as well as your phone number, from Search. The tech giant already takes request for the removal of identifiable info in cases of doxxing or if the details posted in public could be used for financial fraud. It’s now expanding that policy to cover the aforementioned details, along with confidential log-in credentials and images of ID documents that can be used for identity theft.
According to The Verge, Google still has a process to deal with malicious doxxing, wherein an employee will look at links to determine how they’d cause harm. Under this expanded policy, though, the company can grant requests if the content you want to be removed from search doesn’t have any public interest value or isn’t “relevant to a news report.”
As the publication notes, it’s also different from the system Google implemented in the EU to comply with the region’s right to be forgotten law. The rules under the law allow you to ask for content removal if it’s irrelevant, inaccurate or unflattering — this policy expansion only covers sensitive information. A spokesperson told The Verge that Google will de-index content whether it’s behind a paywall or not, so long as the request meets its requirements.
In the company’s announcement post, Google Global Policy Lead for Search Michelle Chang reminds people that the removal of content from Search doesn’t mean it’s gone from the internet. Chang encourages contacting website hosts if you want your information scrubbed completely.
報導 Netflix 片集幕後故事的 Tudum 編輯團隊被裁
報導 Netflix 片集幕後故事的 Tudum 編輯團隊被裁。
暴雪將在 5 月 4 日凌晨公佈《魔獸爭霸》宇宙手遊處女作
暴雪將在 5 月 4 日凌晨公佈《魔獸爭霸》宇宙手遊處女作,暫時還沒有什麼細節流出。
Sony 可能會幫助開發方製作 PlayStation Plus 遊戲試玩
此前有傳聞稱 Sony 已要求開發方在部分新遊戲中為 PlayStation Plus 高級訂戶提供至少兩小時試玩,現在根據 Kotaku 的消息,Sony 可能會出力以開發方的名義製作這些試玩內容,這樣一來開發方的壓力應該會減輕不少。…
動視暴雪股東會通過微軟的 687 億美元收購提案
動視暴雪早前接獲微軟的 687 億美元天價併購提案,於剛剛完結的特別股東會上也正式獲得 98% 的股東投票贊成接納。
Airbnb adopts permanent remote work option for employees
Some companies have started requiring their employees to come into the office a few times a week now that most people have been vaccinated against COVID-19. Airbnb isn’t one them. Company CEO Brian Chesky has informed employees in a letter that they have the option to work remotely forever. A “small number of roles” will be required to work in the office, but the majority of Airbnb employees don’t have to come in if they don’t want to.
Chesky wrote:
“We want to hire and retain the best people in the world (like you). If we limited our talent pool to a commuting radius around our offices, we would be at a significant disadvantage. The best people live everywhere, not concentrated in one area. And by recruiting from a diverse set of communities, we will become a more diverse company. “
The CEO said that Airbnb had recovered quickly from the pandemic thanks to people booking listings to work remotely, proving that the world is now more open to flexible work arrangements. Apparently, in the second half of 2021, 20 percent of the nights booked on its website were for stays of longer than a month.
Airbnb will pay employees the same salary wherever it is in their country they choose to work. It will implement pay tiers by country for both salary and equity starting in June, so those getting paid less based on their location could soon be earning more. International moves are much more complex, however, and the company said it won’t be able to support employees who decide to live in another country this year.
That said, it will allow people to work in 170 countries for up to 90 days each starting in September. While employees still have to secure their own work authorization, the company is partnering with local governments to make the process easier.
In comparison, Google and Apple employees are making a gradual return to office and are now required to work a few days a week on site as part of a hybrid work plan. Twitter opened some of its offices in late 2021 but also told employees that they can permanently work from home.
Apple 2022 年第二季度財報遜去季,Tim Cook:「結果比預期好」
雖然未能承接去季 1,239 億美元的數字,但 CEO Tim Cook 也在財報會議上表示「結果比預期好」,而且同時也再刷新了各產品個別的收入新高。
Xbox 和 Bethesda 會在 6 月 13 日凌晨舉辦遊戲展示會
Xbox 和 Bethesda 會在 6 月 13 日凌晨舉辦遊戲展示會。
Lenovo Flex 3 大減 US$140,文書筆電特賣 3 時結束
Amazon 今天正進行一日限定的電子產品特賣,當中包括三款初階筆電 Lenovo Flex 3、Acer Aspire 5 以及 ASUS Vivobook Go 12,它們折扣後價格都十分吸引,若有需要可以入手它們處理文書工作。這次的優惠將於今天(29 日)下午 3 時結束,必須捉緊機會下單。…