The CNCF Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) has voted to accept KubeVirt as a CNCF incubating project. KubeVirt enables users to run virtual machine workloads on top of Kubernetes in a Kubernetes-native way. It allows the migration of legacy applications and supports building new applications wi…
A Guide to Secrets Management with GitOps and Kubernetes
April 14, 2022 | by Jann Fischer and Raffaele Spazzoli Rationale The entire premise behind GitOps is to use Git as the source of truth for infrastructure and application configuration, taking advantage of Git workflows, while at the same time, having automation that realizes the configurations de…
Kubernetes障害で泣かないための羅針盤、Observabilityを活用したトラブルシューティングフロー大公開:Cloud Nativeチートシート(14) Kubernetesやクラウドネイティブをより便利に利用する技術やツールの概要、使い方を凝縮して紹介する連載。今回は、Observabilityを活用したトラブルシューティングフローを紹介する…
ITマネジャーよ、クラウドネイティブ思考でいこう:DXに悩むITマネジャーにささげる! クラウドネイティブ講座(1) 「クラウドネイティブ」、やってみたいけど、手元の運用で手一杯。何がクラウドネイティブなのかも分からないし、難しそう……。そういうITマネジャーのためのクラウドネイティブ講座。第1回はクラウドネ…
What is OpenSLO?OpenSLO is a service level objective (SLO) language that declaratively defines reliability and performance targets using a simple YAML specification. It is released under Apache 2.0 and we welcome contributions from the reliability engineering ecosystem. SLOs are reliability targe…
kubernetes – Toku’s Blog
GitHub – eldadru/ksniff: Kubectl plugin to ease sniffing on kubernetes pods using tcpdump and wireshark
ksniff A kubectl plugin that utilize tcpdump and Wireshark to start a remote capture on any pod in your Kubernetes cluster. You get the full power of Wireshark with minimal impact on your running pods. Intro When working with micro-services, many times it’s very helpful to get a capture of the ne…