In this post I want to share my thoughts on how to build color-adaptive, responsive, and accessible mini and mega modals with the <dialog> element. Try the demo and view the source! Demonstration of the mega and mini dialogs in their light and dark themes. If you prefer video, here’s a YouTube ve…
CodeZineで連載中の『マンガで分かるプログラミング用語辞典』の作者である柳井政和氏は、JavaScriptのPromiseの解説マンガ『マンガでわかるJavaScriptのPromise』を4月13日にKindleで無料公開した。 『マンガでわかるJavaScriptのPromise』は、JavaScriptで通信などの処理を書く際に必須の仕様であるPromiseを、マンガ…
Web Browser Engineering
Web browsers are ubiquitous, but how do they work? This book explains, building a basic but complete web browser, from networking to JavaScript, in a thousand lines of Python.
State of Frontend 2022
The global pandemic changed a lot in frontend and software development in general, now we need the data to discover how developers adapted. After the success of the report’s first edition, we couldn’t just drop the subject. 4500+ frontend developers around the world shared their opinions and pred…
Reducing Slack’s memory footprint – Slack Engineering
Our desktop app is the most widely used and most capable Slack client that we offer. For many of our customers, it is one of just a few apps they keep open on their computer throughout the work day. It allows them to communicate and work with all the teams they belong to: reading and writing mess…