東京「転入超過」に 一極集中に戻るのか | NHK

東京都の先月の人口の動きは、転入が転出を3万人余り上回る「転入超過」となりました。去年の同じ月に比べると東京からの転出者が減っており、総務省は一極集中の動きに戻るのか注視したいとしています。 総務省によりますと先月の東京の人口の動きは転入が9万8812人、転出が6万5641人で転入が転出を3万3171人上回り、3…

【速報】「返還できない、罪は償います・・・」山口県阿武町のコロナ給付金4630万円誤送金・回収困難(tysテレビ山口) – Yahoo!ニュース

山口県阿武町で、新型コロナ給付金が誤って1世帯に4630万円が振り込まれた問題で、花田憲彦町長は22日会見を開き、誤って振り込まれた人が「返還できない」と話していることを明らかにしました。 21日、町の職員が面会し「すでに入金した金は動かしている、元に戻せない、どうしようもない、罪には償います」と話したと…

FAA blamed after parachute show leads to Congress evacuation

US Congress was evacuated yesterday after Capitol Police said it was “tracking an aircraft that poses a possible threat to the Capitol Complex,” CBS News reported. Everyone stood down a short time later when it turned out to be a parachute demonstration, but the incident caused a lot of ire. “The Federal Aviation Administration’s apparent failure to notify Capitol Police of the pre-planned flyover [at] Nationals Stadium is outrageous and inexcusable,” wrote House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. 

The plane belonged to the Army Golden Knights parachuting team, dropping parachutists into the stadium for Military Appreciation Day. The pilot reportedly avoided flying over the restricted airspace over the Capitol Building and was coordinating with the control tower, but may not have had proper clearance, according to The Associated Press

FAA blamed after a planned parachute show led to the evacuation of Congress

The FAA acknowledged the incident and promised an “expeditious” review. “We know our actions affect others, especially in our nation’s capital region, and we must communicate early and often with our law enforcement partners,” it said in a statement. The plane’s entire voyage was tracked by FlightRadar24 (above).

The incident demonstrates the level of coordination needed between FAA, law enforcement and other interested parties, particularly near restricted areas. As such, it may be an example of why the agency has been so careful in permitting passenger or delivery drones to operate in populated or sensitive areas. Such incidents are rare nowadays, but things could get chaotic with thousands of new drones plying the skies if the government doesn’t have a comprehensive plan.

小泉進次郎『【続報】ウクライナ避難者の方の愛犬 』

小泉進次郎オフィシャルブログ「日本の政治を未来のために~自由民主党~」Powered by Ameba 小泉進次郎オフィシャルブログ「日本の政治を未来のために~自由民主党~」Powered by Ameba こんばんは。小泉進次郎です。 週末に投稿したウクライナから避難してきた方のペットについて、動物検疫を担当する農水省から説明を…