「やっぱりダメだったか……」。喉から手が出るほど欲しかった招待状は、開催日2日前になってもついぞ手に入らなかった。 米テスラが2022年4月7日にテキサス州オースティンの新工場「ギガテキサス」で開催した開所式。イーロン・マスクCEO(最高経営責任者)のスピーチはもちろん、花火の打ち上げやバンドの生演奏、新型車…
微軟據報想在免費遊玩的 Xbox 遊戲裡賣廣告
Insider 的消息來源稱,微軟正在開發一個計畫,幫助行銷人員在免費的 Xbox 遊戲中置入廣告。
DC Attorney General asks court to reconsider Amazon antitrust lawsuit
DC Attorney General Karl Racine has filed a motion (PDF) asking the court to reconsider its decision to dismiss the antitrust lawsuit he filed against Amazon in 2021. In the original lawsuit, Racine accused the e-commerce giant of “illegally abusing and maintaining its monopoly power by controlling prices across the online retail market.” Third-party sellers that use Amazon’s Marketplace have to abide by the company’s agreement, which includes a fair pricing policy. If they sell their goods for lower prices elsewhere, Amazon could remove their items’ buy box, suspend their shipment option and even terminate their selling privileges for “serious or repeated cases.”
The company stopped telling sellers back in 2019 in the midst of antitrust scrutiny that they couldn’t sell their products for cheaper prices elsewhere. However, the company later added back a clause under its fair pricing policy that’s nearly identical. Racine argued that since sellers price their goods with Amazon’s cut in mind, the policy artificially raises prices even on sellers’ own websites and on competing e-commerce platforms.
Amazon told us when Racine first filed the lawsuit that the Attorney General had it “exactly backwards.” The spokesperson said: “Amazon takes pride in the fact that we offer low prices across the broadest selection, and like any store we reserve the right not to highlight offers to customers that are not priced competitively. The relief the AG seeks would force Amazon to feature higher prices to customers, oddly going against core objectives of antitrust law.” The Superior Court of the District of Columbia sided with Amazon and threw out Racine’s complaint back in March.
Now, the DC AG wants another chance at proving that Amazon violated antitrust laws. His office’s amended complaint includes additional details about how the company’s policy violates DC code, mostly focusing on how it “causes prices to District residents to be higher than they otherwise would be” and how it inhibits sellers from competing with Amazon’s own products.
Racine said in a statement about the motion he filed:
“We’re asking the court to reconsider its decision to dismiss our Amazon case because the antitrust laws and facts are on our side and we are determined to continue standing up for DC consumers. Amazon illegally uses its market power to prevent sellers from lowering their prices on other platforms — including their own. This results in higher prices for DC consumers.”
石川 温が考える、楽天モバイルの「2023年大躍進」のカギとは?
石川 温が考える、楽天モバイルの「2023年大躍進」のカギとは?
マスク氏「検閲なきSNS」へ実力行使 Twitter買収提案(写真=ロイター)
日経の記事利用サービスについて 企業での記事共有や会議資料への転載・複製、注文印刷などをご希望の方は、リンク先をご覧ください。 詳しくはこちら 【シリコンバレー=白石武志】米起業家のイーロン・マスク氏が米ツイッターに買収を提案した。同氏はかねてツイッターの投稿管理に不満を示しており、非公開化という実…
止まらぬ円安、購買力50年前の水準 「低い成長力 魅力なし」:朝日新聞デジタル
3月以降に加速した円安の流れが止まらず、円は13日、一時1ドル=126円台まで下落し、約20年ぶりの安値をつけた。円が売られる勢いは、他の国の通貨と比べても突出していて、「独歩安」の様相を呈している。背景には、日本経済の力が失われつつあるという根本的な問題もありそうだ。 ルーブルと並ぶほど、円売り 最近の急…
Juul will pay $22.5 million to settle a Washington state lawsuit
Vape pen maker Juul has agreed to settle another state lawsuit alleging that it targeted minors with its marketing. It will pay $22.5 million and undertake measures to prevent underage use and sales to settle a suit filed by Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson in September 2020. Juul admits no wrongdoing under the settlement, though it told the Associated Press the agreement marked “another step in our ongoing effort to reset our company and resolve issues from the past.”
The AG claimed that when Juul debuted in 2015, it promoted itself with colorful ads on social media, leading to an increase in nicotine use and addiction in teens. Ferguson also claimed in the filing that the company deceived consumers about the addictiveness of its product. His office said the money from Juul’s settlement will be used to establish a health equity unit that will “respond to deceptive and discriminatory health care practices that disproportionately impact vulnerable communities and communities of color.”
Under the consent decree, Juul is not allowed to promote its products on social media and can’t use advertising that appeals to youths. It agreed to monitor and report social media posts from underage users about its products and to require an adult’s signature when delivering products that it sells online. Additionally, it must run a secret shopper program in the state for at least two years to ensure retailers aren’t selling its products to underage users.
Over the last year, Juul has settled several cases brought by state AGs. It agreed to pay $40 million to settle a case in North Carolina and $14.5 million to settle one in Arizona. The company says it has also resolved a suit in Louisiana but lawsuits in several otherstates remain active. “We will continue working with federal and state stakeholders to advance a fully regulated, science-based marketplace for vapor products,” the company said.
BWTT on Twitter: “あんまこの売上の話してなかったけど、言ってしまうとアメコミって元々「単行本」が売れない市場で、一方アメリカでは日本の漫画ってほぼ「単行本」の形でしか出ないので、単行本のランキングは日本漫画が独占するんですよね。その単行本ランキングだけ見ると勘違いしてしまう、という話なんだけど……”
マスク氏、Twitterに買収提案 全株を取得
日経の記事利用サービスについて 企業での記事共有や会議資料への転載・複製、注文印刷などをご希望の方は、リンク先をご覧ください。 詳しくはこちら 【ニューヨーク=堀田隆文、シリコンバレー=白石武志】米ツイッターに約9%を出資する米起業家のイーロン・マスク氏が同社に買収提案したことが14日分かった。13日付で米…
マスク氏、米ツイッターに430億ドルで買収提案 「言論の自由」追求
マスク氏は13日にツイッターの取締役会に書簡を送り、買収案を提示。14日に規制当局への資料で情報を開示した。 全株式を1株当たり54.20ドルで取得するもので、マスク氏の大量保有が明らかになる前日である1日の終値に38%上乗せした。ツイッターは14日の取引を1.68%安で終了した。 マスク氏はカナ…