スクウェア・エニックスは5月2日、Crystal DynamicsとEidos Interactive、および両社の保有する一部IPをEmbracer Groupに売却すると発表した。株式譲渡契約となる。2022年4月27日開催のスクウェア・エニックス取締役会にて、同社の代表取締役 松田洋祐氏へ決定の権限を一任することを決議。諸条件が整ったことから本日、…
日経の記事利用サービスについて 企業での記事共有や会議資料への転載・複製、注文印刷などをご希望の方は、リンク先をご覧ください。 詳しくはこちら ウォール街の銀行団はイーロン・マスク氏による米ツイッター買収費用の一部として、255億ドル(約3兆3000億円)の融資をわずか数日でまとめた。通常なら数週間かかる取…
中部のローカル線「全て維持」 中小鉄道26社、コロナ禍で乗客は3割減:中日新聞Web
ローカル線を運行する中部の中小鉄道二十六社が、当面は全ての路線を廃止せず維持し、バスなど他の交通機関への転換も考えていないことが本紙の調査で分かった。沿線人口の減少で利用が低迷し、新型コロナウイルス禍が経営を一層圧迫する中、存続に向けてもがく「地域の足」の姿が浮き彫りになった。 ローカル線を巡って…
Intel CEO says chip shortage could continue until 2024
Experts and tech industry veterans have long expected the global semiconductor shortage to last for years, but Intel chief Pat Gelsinger now says it could go on longer than previously expected. The CEO told CNBC’s TechCheck that he expects the issue to drag on until 2024, because the shortage has now hit equipment manufacturing. That could make it difficult for companies to obtain key manufacturing tools and hit production goals that might be bigger than before due to growing demand.
Gelsinger told the publication:
“That’s part of the reason that we believe the overall semiconductor shortage will now drift into 2024, from our earlier estimates in 2023, just because the shortages have now hit equipment and some of those factory ramps will be more challenged.”
Lockdowns tied to the COVID-19 pandemic had severely impacted the chip industry at a time when demand was ramping up. It forced not just tech companies, but also automakers like GM and Ford, to limit and even to suspend production. Apple’s MacBook and iPad shipments faced delays due to component shortages, and smartphone shipments in general fell in late 2021. This negative impact on the tech and auto industries translated to devastating economic consequences — according to CBS News, the global chip shortage cost the United States $240 billion in 2021 based on expert estimates.
Gelsinger previously said that he believes the situation will last until 2023, which falls in line with analysts’ and other industry execs’ expectations. After Gelsinger became Intel’s CEO, the company had announced several massive investments meant to expand chip manufacturing outside Asia. (To note, a Bloomberg report from back in late 2021 claimed that the White House “strongly discouraged” Intel from ramping up its chip production in China.) Intel said it’s spending $20 billion to build two chip factories in Arizona, and another $20 billion at least to build “the largest silicon manufacturing location on the planet” in Ohio.
任天堂がラブホテルを経営していたのは本当か? ~拡散されつづける都市伝説~
◆誰も答えられない3つの質問◆ かつて任天堂がラブホテルを経営していたという話を聞いたことがないだろうか。ネットメディアやYoutubeによって拡散され続けているのでご存知の方も多いことだろう。では、ここで皆さんに質問させていただきたいのだ。 それはいつ、 どこにあった、 どんな名前のホテルですか? もしあな…
任天堂Switch販売1割減 22年度、人気持続でも部材不足
日経の記事利用サービスについて 企業での記事共有や会議資料への転載・複製、注文印刷などをご希望の方は、リンク先をご覧ください。 詳しくはこちら 任天堂の「ニンテンドースイッチ」の2022年度の販売台数が21年度比1割減の2000万台前後にとどまる見通しであることが分かった。最盛期の20年度(2883万台)と比べると3…
CWA accuses Activision of threatening employees for discussing work conditions
The union working to organize Activision Blizzard workers — the Communications Workers of America — filed a complaint today with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), accusing the video game company of forbidding workers from discussing ongoing se…
Former Apple worker says Epic refused to hire her over labor advocacy
The worker who founded the #AppleToo movement has accused Epic Games of taking a similarly anti-labor stance. The Washington Postreports former Apple employee Cher Scarlett has filed a National Labor Relations Board complaint alleging Epic refused to hire her because she backed a labor organization, is cooperating with the NLRB and is otherwise fighting unfair working conditions. She claims Epic balked two days after she shared details of her advocacy work and federal testimony with recruiters for a senior web developer position.
Epic spokesperson Elka Looks denied any wrongdoing in a statement to The Post. She said Scarlett’s labor rights efforts didn’t factor into the hiring decision, and that the company had already settled on someone else before Scarlett shared details of her activities. The winning candidate simply “scored higher,” Looks stated.
Whether or not the assertions hold up, it’s no secret that Scarlett is known for challenging allegedly abusive and unfair workplaces. She helped draw attention to misconduct at Activision Blizzard by describing sexual harassment between 2015 and 2016. Scarlett also has three ongoing cases against Apple, including an NLRB complaint about a hostile work environment. Another NLRB complaint from February says Mozilla discriminated against her job application at that firm.
The complaint against Epic also comes as tensions have risen between tech companies and staffers demanding better labor practices. Amazon, Apple and other companies have been fighting unionization attempts, and there have long been concerns these brands might be firing outspoken employees. Even if Scarlett doesn’t succeed, she’ll highlight problematic behavior across the industry.
Update 4/29/22 7:18pm ET: Scarlett reached out on Twitter to add some additional details regarding the candidacy process. She claims most of the Epic employees at most levels of the interview process were “well aware” of her background in organizing and many “thought it was awesome.” She further insinuated that decision had been made by people above those layers of management.
@jonfingas Hey Jon! Just to clarify, the recruiters and the people who interviewed me were well aware of the labor activism. We talked about it. Most thought it was awesome.
The form I filled out goes above all of their heads to higher leadership. That’s where my concern is.
— Cher Scarlett (@cherthedev) April 29, 2022
「小さな改良」と「イノベーション」を分けることの問題点 平成生まれの気鋭の研究者 岩尾俊兵氏(慶應義塾大学) | 経営学の最前線を訪ねて(3/3)
Sheets of Japanese 10,000 yen banknotes move through a machine at the National Printing Bureau Tokyo plant. Photographer: Akio Kon/Bloomberg 円相場が20年来の安値に下げたことを受け、日本銀行が救済に乗り出すとの臆測が広がったが、ゴールドマン・サックス・グループは介入さえも円安の運命を変えられないと…