日経の記事利用サービスについて 企業での記事共有や会議資料への転載・複製、注文印刷などをご希望の方は、リンク先をご覧ください。 詳しくはこちら あるウェブ漫画がツイッター上で注目を集めている。「未経験から100話でキラキラWEBデザイナーを諦めるかけだしちゃん」(以下、「かけだしちゃん」)と名付けられた作…
変貌する雌伏の世界都市 「大大阪」100年、復権なるか
日経の記事利用サービスについて 企業での記事共有や会議資料への転載・複製、注文印刷などをご希望の方は、リンク先をご覧ください。 詳しくはこちら 大正後期から昭和初めにかけて大阪市が「大大阪」と呼ばれた時代がある。1925年(大正14年)には市域拡張で当時の東京市の人口を抜き、世界6位の大都市に躍り出た。そ…
Tesla sues former employee for allegedly stealing trade secrets and then attempting a cover-up
Tesla has sued a former employee who it is accusing of stealing trade secrets related to its supercomputer project, Bloomberg reported on Friday. According to a filing in the U.S. District Court in San Jose, thermal engineer Alexander Yatskov quit on May 2 after having joined the company only a few months earlier, in January. According to Tesla, Yatskov admitted to transferring confidential information to his personal devices and later handing over a “dummy” laptop after company officials confronted him on suspicion of theft.
In addition to breaching a non-disclosure agreement intended to protect trade secrets, Bloomberg reports that Tesla is also accusing Yatskov of misrepresenting his experience and skills on his resume. Bloomberg also says that Yatskov declined to comment.
“This is a case about illicit retention of trade secrets by an employee who, in his short time at Tesla, already demonstrated a track record of lying and then lying again by providing a ‘dummy’ device to try and cover his tracks,” Tesla wrote in the filing, reports Bloomberg.
CEO Elon Musk has been teasing Tesla’s supercomputer project, called “Dojo,” since at least 2019. Last summer, the company finally explained the project in more detail, laying out a goal of using AI to analyze massive amounts of vehicle data, ideally resulting in a safer, more refined autonomous driving experience. The computer, which offers 1.8 exaflops of performance and 10 petabytes of NVME storage running at 1.6 terabytes per second, trains itself using video from eight cameras inside Tesla vehicles running at 36 frames per second.
Tesla claimed last year that although this approach generates a tremendous amount of data, it is still more scalable than building high-definition maps around the world. At the time, Tesla indicated that the system was most successful in sparsely populated areas where cars could mostly drive uninterrupted. Even so, the company also touted some early successes in denser areas, including Dojo’s ability to learn new types of traffic warnings, pedestrian collision detection and pedal misapplications (accidentally hitting the gas instead of the brakes).
「ドタキャンの食品 投稿で完売」メディアは毎回”美談”で終わらせないで(井出留美) – 個人 – Yahoo!ニュース
テレビ朝日系「グッド!モーニング」で報じられた内容が、Yahoo!ニュースに『柏餅“500個”当日ドタキャン…SNSで「SOS」』(1)として報じられた。 ある和菓子店で、5月5日に500個の柏餅が予約されていたものの、当日の昼過ぎになってキャンセルされたとのこと。金額にして11万円分相当。 困った店主がツイッターに投稿し…
NVIDIA pays $5.5 million to settle SEC charges over GPU sales to crypto miners
It’s no secret these days that GPU makers profited from the early cryptocurrency mining boom, but NVIDIA is now facing some repercussions as a result. The company is paying $5.5 million to settle US Securities and Exchange Commission charges it failed to disclose that crypto mining played a “significant” role in its surging revenue from GPU sales throughout fiscal 2018. NVIDIA allegedly violated both the Securities Act and Securities Exchange Act when it didn’t reveal that its success was tied to a “volatile business,” potentially misleading investors who might have thought this was the result of the firm’s usual gaming-focused strategy.
The SEC’s order also said NVIDIA misled investors by acknowledging that crypto demand did affect other aspects of its business at the time. That implied mining wasn’t a significant part of the gaming business’ success where it was for other products, according to the regulator. NVIDIA will have to abide by a cease-and-desist barring it from future rule-breaking.
An NVIDIA spokesperson declined to comment. The brand has increasingly seen crypto mining as more of a liability to its gaming GPU sales than a benefit, though. It started limiting the mining capabilities of RTX GPUs in 2021 in a bid to free up cards for the intended audience. The company even launched dedicated mining cards that year in a bid to satisfy crypto fans without cutting into demand for its GeForce GPU line.
The payment is tiny for a company that made $7.6 billion in its most recently reported quarter. With that said, the modest settlement was somewhat expected given an unsuccessful past attempt to demand compensation. Tom’s Hardwarenoted in March 2021 that a judge dismissed a lawsuit accusing NVIDIA of deceiving investors — it was no secret many GPUs were destined for crypto miners, the judge ruled. While the SEC found wrongdoing, it was going to have a harder time showing that NVIDIA caused enough damage to warrant a large penalty.
訂正:丸紅、ロシア減損130億円 社長「サハリン1、撤退したい気持ち」
5月6日、丸紅<8002.T>の柿木真澄社長は6日の決算会見で、前期中にロシア・ウクライナ関連事業で130億円程度の減損処理を実施したことを明らかにした。写真は都内で2016年5月撮影(2022年 ロイター/Toru Hanai ) [東京 6日 ロイター] – 丸紅の柿木真澄社長は6日の決算会見で、前期中にロシア・ウ…
地方交通の雄「イーグルバス」 埼玉県で不採算路線に挑戦、弱者ケアも欠かさない公共交通の矜持とは | Merkmal
多くの地方のバス会社が経営難に陥っているなか、北海道の中東部にある帯広市に本社を置き、路線バスを中心に、都市間バス、福祉ハイヤー事業などを手掛けている十勝バスの健闘について、前回書いた。 今回は、埼玉県中部の川越市に本社を構える乗り合いバス・貸し切りバス会社「イーグルバス」に注目したい。 同社が乗…
NYダウ一時1300ドル安 金融引き締め「軟着陸」に不安
日経の記事利用サービスについて 企業での記事共有や会議資料への転載・複製、注文印刷などをご希望の方は、リンク先をご覧ください。 詳しくはこちら 【ニューヨーク=宮本岳則】5日の米株式市場ではダウ工業株30種平均が急反落し、前日比1063ドル09セント(3.1%)安の3万2997ドル97セントで終えた。1日の下げ幅としては…
Blizzard’s new VP will be tasked with fixing its workplace culture
Activision Blizzard is continuing a hiring spree in light of its ongoing harassment scandal. Blizzard has hired Jessica Martinez as its first Vice President of Culture. She’ll both implement and expand the game studio’s culture strategy, and lead a learning and development team that will help create a work environment where people feel “safe, valued” and eager to cooperate.
Martinez is a 14-year veteran of Disney, where she was a Chief of Staff and advised both the Chief Security Office and the parks’ Chief Technology & Digital Officer. She was known for building a diversity- and values-focused culture, according to Blizzard, and led efforts to harmonize security when Disney bought key Fox studios and channels.
The move comes just weeks after Activision Blizzard hired diversity chief Kristen Hines. It also follows months of employee shuffles and organizational efforts in the wake of the scandal. The publisher has ousted or disciplined numerous workers for participating in or tolerating a hostile work culture, including former Blizzard president J. Allen Brack. It also launched a “Workplace Responsibility Committee” to fight discrimination and harassment.
Whether or not these measures will be enough still isn’t clear. Activision Blizzard chief Bobby Kotick has remained despite pressure to resign and a New York City lawsuit. The Communications Workers of America union, meanwhile, has filed a complaint with US labor officials accusing the company of silencing talk about harassment lawsuits. While Martinez may bring valuable cultural improvements, there’s still evidence the firm is resistant to some forms of change.
Intuit owes customers $141 million after it ‘cheated’ them out of free tax services
TurboTax maker Intuit will pay $141 million “for deceiving millions of low-income Americans into paying for tax services that should have been free,” the NY Attorney General’s office wrote in a press release. It must also suspend its “free, free, free” ad campaign for TurboTax that baited customers with the promise of free tax preparation, then switched them into a paying service.
The company agreed to a settlement with all 50 US states and the District of Columbia, Ars Technica reported. The company must refund nearly 4.4 million consumers who used TurboTax’s Free Edition between 2016 and 2018, then discovered they had to pay to file. Many didn’t realize they had the option of of filing for free using the IRS Free File program available via a separate product.
“Intuit cheated millions of low-income Americans out of free tax filing services they were entitled to,” said Attorney General Letitia James. “For years, Intuit misled the most vulnerable among us to make a profit. Today, every state in the nation is holding Intuit accountable for scamming millions of taxpayers.”
For years, Intuit misled the most vulnerable among us to make a profit. Today, every state in the nation is holding Intuit accountable for scamming millions of taxpayers.
A multistate investigation found that “Intuit engaged in several deceptive and unfair trade practices that limited consumers’ participation in the IRS Free File Program,” the New York AG wrote. Specifically, Intuit used similar names for both its IRS Free File product and commercial freemium TurboTax product and used search engine ads to steer customers looking for the former to the latter. It also “purposefully blocked its IRS Free File landing page from search engine results during the 2019 tax filing season,” the NY AG wrote.
The AG office said that it marketed the freemium product through ad campaigns “where ‘free’ is the most prominent or sometimes the only selling point… however, the TurboTax ‘freemium’ product is only free for approximately one-third of US taxpayers.”
Intuit released a statement expressing no regret and said the required ad changes would have little impact on its business. “As part of the agreement, Intuit admitted no wrongdoing, agreed to pay $141 million to put this matter behind it, and made certain commitments regarding its advertising practices,” the company wrote on its blog.
As part of the agreement, Intuit admitted no wrongdoing, agreed to pay $141 million to put this matter behind it, and made certain commitments regarding its advertising practices.
Intuit dropped out of the the IRS’s Free File Alliance last year, saying an exit would help it focus on “further innovating” without being encumbered by Free File program rules. Eighteen months prior, the IRS introduced new Free File rules that prohibit members from “engaging in any practice” that would prevent their free software from showing up on Google or any other search engine. They were also required to call their apps “IRS Free File program delivered by [product name].”
Senator Elizabeth Warren once called the Free File Alliance “a front for tax prep companies who use it as a gateway to sell expensive products no one would even need if we’d just made it easier for people to pay their taxes.” Other countries including the UK and Japan allow return-free filing for many citizens, but Intuit, H&R Block and other companies have lobbied against such a move in the US.
The payouts, amounting to about $30 per person for each tax year, are supposed to take place within 30 days of the signing of the agreement. After that, the Attorneys General of each state will “have sole discretion concerning the administration and distribution of the Settlement Fund.”