10 Good Reasons To Use Your 401k RIGHT NOW

A 401(k) account is an instrumental part of your financial future. Because of this, it’s strongly advised that you never touch these founds. What’s more, if you make withdrawals before the age of 59 ½, then you can expect a 10 percent penalty from Uncl…

Illegal Abortion Protests Wednesday Despite Police

Illegal Abortion Protests Wednesday Despite Police; Virginia Governor Ordered Police to “Monitor” But Not Arrest Illegal Abortion ProtestsWASHINGTON, D.C. (May 11, 2022) – Abortion rights advocates calling themselves “Ruth Sent Us” have scheduled large…

Daily Reprieve Or More

S&P 500 modest risk-on turn talked yesterday, is underway – with adequate support from bonds. That means the dollar is going to get under daily selling pressure, with positive consequences for assets spanning commonidities, precious metals and sure sup…