[convict] Prototype Pollution in convict

This affects the package convict before 6.2.3. This is a bypass of CVE-2022-22143. The fix introduced, relies on the startsWith method and does not prevent the vulnerability: before splitting the path, it checks if it starts with proto or this.construc…

[sds] Prototype Pollution in sds

This affects the package sds from 0.0.0. The library could be tricked into adding or modifying properties of the Object.prototype by abusing the set function located in js/set.js. Note: This vulnerability derives from an incomplete fix to CVE-2020-7618…

[pyanyapi] Unsafe pyyaml load usage in PyAnyAPI

An exploitable vulnerability exists in the YAML parsing functionality in the YAMLParser method in Interfaces.py in PyAnyAPI before 0.6.1. A YAML parser can execute arbitrary Python commands resulting in command execution because load is used where safe…