There’s a lot of interesting people out there, but some people are interesting for all the wrong reasons…From suspicious behaviors to eerie comments, there can be all kinds of things that make meeting somebody an extremely unsettling experience. When o…
Empress Wanrong’s Life Was A Royal Nightmare
When Wanrong became the Empress of China, she was already ruling over a ghost land. In a matter of months, her country abolished the monarchy, turning all Wanrong’s decadent pleasures into dust. Somehow, though, this was just the beginning of her tragi…
Anne Of Austria Had The World’s Worst Husband
When you think of princesses, you typically think of romance, riches, and fun. However, Anne of Austria’s life was no fairy tale. Many people loved her, some hated her, and one very important man ignored her. In the end, Anne of Austria defied the odds…
The Real Vampira Lived A Dark And Desperate Life
Many actors spend decades building impressive careers, but all Maila Nurmi needed was one night to create a legend. Most famous as the woman behind Vampira, television’s first horror host, Nurmi’s life was like one long Halloween party—in the best and …
“I Shoulda Mentioned…”: These Lawyers Got Screwed By Their Own Clients
Everyone knows that if we ever get in trouble with the law, we have the “right to remain silent.” But it seems like these people didn’t realize that when it comes to their lawyers, they should be giving them the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I…
Teachers Share Heartbreaking Secrets From Their Students’ Home Lives
Whether through overhearing or being directly told, teachers often discover shocking, horrifying, and tragic facts about the lives of kids. And given how dark this world can truly be at times, these secrets can often take just as big a toll on the teac…
Exhausted Teachers Describe The Worst Parents They’ve Ever Dealt With
Teaching can be one of the most meaningful and rewarding careers out there. But like all jobs, it comes with its downsides. Without question, one of the biggest challenges to being a teacher is having to deal with difficult, angry, or dissatisfied pare…
“Edward VI Was The Spoiled Son Of Henry VIII—And He Met A Chilling End The Dark History Of Edward VI, Henry VIII’s Doomed Son Edward VI Of England Was A Spoiled Brat With A Chilling Temper “
History portrays Edward VI as the feeble and ultimately doomed son of Henry VIII, but the truth is so much darker than that. Far from a weakling, even as a boy, Edward proved nearly as twisted as his rotund father—and his gruesome end was likely a bles…
Queen Barbara Of Poland’s Life Was A Tragic Love Story
Queen Barbara of Poland’s sweeping tale is supposed to be a “love conquers all” romance—but few people know her whole, heartbreaking story. This cunning queen used her wits to gain power, had a passionate affair with a king, and feuded with a vicious m…
Frustrated People Share The Moments When Helping Others Backfired
Helping others can be a beautiful thing. Not much feels as rewarding as knowing we actually made a difference in someone’s life. But what about when they don’t appreciate it? When we go out of our way to do something nice for someone only to discover t…