
Kinetic Games, the people in charge indie de terror Phasmophobia, siguen mejorando y ampliando su juego poco a poco sin pausa. Recently he shared on Steam advances de la vista previa de su first great updatela cual (although no account with launch date in Spain and the rest of the world) between other things promise new fantasies, best in interfaces or player report. Aqu debajo te resumimos lo ms important.

Dos nuevos fantasmas prximamente

The most recent update of Phasmophobia (la v0.6.2) incluir two new fantasies en el ttulo, lo que elevar la cifra total a 23. An he did not reveal the numbers of these creations, but the team displayed an image of the diary with some of the key information parts of the ones that we acosarn in the games.

Bless the puede leather, este fantasma are constantly on the move and can perseguirte hasta el cansancio. Between the shared dates also have this ghost that costs a lot of energy to form and move very slowly.

New interface and other major

Adem of the ghosts that appear in the development diary, Kinetic Games tambin is working on ms mejoras para el ttulo. One of them is the new user interface of my main, ya que se est cambiando la forma que los jugadores pueden crear salas; for example, including one new lobby selection panel which tendr a filter for the idiom in which hablen the users.

Phasmophobia - New Interface

El map Sunny Meadows tambin se is mejorando con ms elementos terrorficos. There will be new torture kills on stage. On the other hand, it is also in the process of updating custom custom. The players can be personalized a card ID with his level of experience, prestige and insignia.

Finally cabe detached that the team also is preoccupied with increase the player reporting system for it to function correctly. Of this form, in the future, las duraciones de los baneos estarn escalonadas segn la gravedad de las infracciones. Eso s, ya advierten que repetir consecutivte ciertas infracciones aumentar la duracin de la prohibicin y, en ltima instance, esto puede llegar a traducirse en un permanent bath of a lobby (included in the private games).

Phasmophobia est available on PC. If you want to know more about the details, please consult ours complete gua with tricks and tips.

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