Thank you IT home netizens Coje_He The clue is delivered!

IT House May 31 news, according to reports from the World Wide Web and other reports, after announcing its withdrawal from the Russian market in March this year, the US Netflix company recently cut off the access rights of Russian users. According to Agence France-Presse, a Netflix spokesperson confirmed the same day that Russian subscribers will no longer have access to the Netflix website and app.

Netflix reportedly cut off Russian users’ access on May 27. A Netflix spokesman said on May 30, “This is to fulfill the (commitment) announced in March to withdraw from the Russian market.” The spokesman also said,Netflix has waited until the end of the current billing cycle before cutting off access to Russian users.

Netflix’s first-quarter earnings report showed that its global paid subscribers lost a net 200,000 in the first quarter.

Netflix explained that the company’s suspension of service in Russia and the phasing out of all Russian paid memberships dragged down a net loss of 700,000 paid subscribers worldwide. Excluding this impact, Netflix added 500,000 net paid subscribers worldwide in the first quarter.

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