According to statistics, with the development of the global automobile industry, more than 27 million vehicles are scrapped every year in the world, and the recycling of these scrapped automobile plastics has gradually become a global issue. Recently, researchers at Rice University and Ford’s Center for Research and Innovation demonstrated a technology that uses waste plastic from old cars to create graphene foam. Video The research is based on a technique called “Joule Thermal Flashing,” which heats waste plastics ground into powder to between 2027°C and 2727°C using high-voltage electricity. During this process, the carbon in the plastic is rapidly converted into graphene sheets, and the other elements evaporate directly. Compared to existing methods of producing graphene, the technology requires less energy and also solves the problem of recycling waste plastics. The graphene produced by this technology can be used in the production of new cars. The Ford team strengthened the polyurethane foam with this graphene, which increased the tensile strength of the foam by 34% and the absorption of low-frequency sound by 25%, making a considerable contribution to the noise and vibration of the vehicle. .
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