
IT House news on May 31, according to CCTV News,From June 1 this year, the State Administration of Radio and Television will officially issue administrative licenses for online dramaswhich also means that online dramas and online movies officially have their own “web logos”.

IT Home has learned that at present, some online dramas are being broadcast online.Added “Network Drama Distribution License” title before the main feature. Previously broadcast domestic TV dramas will obtain the “Domestic TV Drama Distribution License” issued by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, while online dramas only have an online record number.

The title of “Network Drama Distribution License” takes the words “Network Audiovisual” as the main imagein the shape of a seal with a vermilion background,5 seconds.

New Network Drama Distribution LicenseDivided into network drama distribution license and online movie distribution license, the issuing authority is the State Administration of Radio and Television. The relevant notice points out that when domestic key online dramas, including online dramas, online micro-shorts, online movies, and online cartoons, are broadcast online, a unified logo should be used, and the distribution license number should be fixed in a prominent position in the title of the program. exhibit.

According to previous information, the online drama “The Showdown” is the first online drama to receive a “web label”, web drama Shenzi (2022) No. 001. The online movies “Leaves on the Golden Mountain” and “Qing Mian Shura” have also obtained distribution licenses, which are Wang Ying Shen Zi (2022) No. 001 and Wang Ying Shen Zi (2022) No. 002 respectively.

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