
According to Weibo news, Taiwanese panel manufacturer AUO previously planned to increase the monthly production capacity of its Kunshan factory from the current 27,000-28,000 glass substrates to 36,000 in the first phase, and further increase it to 45,000 according to market conditions. However, due to the impact of the epidemic blockade, the capacity expansion of AUO’s Kunshan plant has slowed down.

According to digitimes, AUO said that the epidemic blockade has hindered the installation of equipment at the factory.

It is reported that AUO will suspend work from April 8 to 12 in order to cooperate with the epidemic prevention policy. In this regard, Peng Shuanglang, chairman of AUO, previously pointed out that due to the epidemic situation, the Kunshan plant has been reduced or suspended, and the supply of personnel and materials cannot be delivered on time, affecting 30% to 40% of the production capacity. Especially facing challenges in transportation, there is a situation where materials can’t get in and inventory can’t come out.The expansion plan of the second phase of the Kunshan plant has also slowed down due to the closure and control..

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