
Researchers at the American Hawkes Lab at UC Santa Barba have developed a small robot that can jump really high.

It is about a robot that initially looks like a kind of insect and is then transformed into a more pill-like shape when it is lifted from the ground. Once it has reached its peak height, it singles back down to the ground without damaging the structure. At most, the researchers have made the robot jump a full 32.9 meters, which is a world record for robots.

The researchers behind the robot suggest that the robots like this could be used for various transports where it is not possible to get on the ground or fly. It is said that it could be used on the moon, for example. There, the moon’s weak gravity would allow the robot to jump up to 125 meters and move about 500 meters in a single jump, the researchers believe.

Here above you can see when you talk a little more about the technology behind the robot and of course see it jump.


Gadgets, Robots,

robot jump, jump robot



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