
Google has updated its guidelines regarding personal information published on pages linked to in its search results. This means that individuals can now request search results that go to pages that list their address, phone number and other things removed from the search result.

It is primarily about hiding pages that have posted any address or other personal information without the person’s permission. Public listings in the directory and registered on official services are not removed from Google’s search results. Google writes in a blog post about its changed guidelines:

“Under this new policy expansion, people can now request removals of additional types of information when they find it in Search results, including personal contact information like a phone number, email address, or physical address. The policy also allows for the removal of additional information that may pose a risk for identity theft, such as confidential log-in credentials, when it appears in Search results. “

Google also reminds that just because the information disappears from Google does not mean that the information disappears from the internet. If you want to delete your information from, for example, forums or other places where it has been posted, users are encouraged to contact those who run the services where the information has been published.


Internet, Google,

search engine, search results, doxxing



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