
Not long ago, stray monkeys were spotted in many places in Nanjing. A few days ago, a member of the Nanjing Wandering Monkey gang was arrested, and the remaining “splashing monkeys” are still being tracked. According to lychee news reports, a civil animal rescue group has captured one of them. The rescue team’s sponsor, Kanko, said that because he learned that the stray monkey often “does bad things”, he was determined to capture it and tracked it for 4 days and finally succeeded. The rescue team received a clue at noon on the 29th that the monkey went immediately after it appeared in a community. Fortunately, it was not lost this time. According to the video, the monkey did a lot of “bad things”, ran to the house to turn on gas, bullied cats and children in the community, beat the elderly, and robbed food. Huanzi said that there were witnesses who saw a total of 3 monkeys haunt together, and he will continue to track the remaining stray monkeys. According to reports, the currently captured stray monkey has been treated by the Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo Rescue Center. The staff confirmed that the monkey is a male macaque and is aggressive and has now recovered. .
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