
Unmanned driving is the general direction of the development of modern automobiles, but there has been an endless debate around unmanned driving, and the most important point is the problem of accidents.

On the afternoon of April 29, a screenshot of Baidu founder, chairman and CEO Robin Li’s circle of friends was streamed online. Similar to Musk’s point of view, who repeatedly emphasized that autonomous driving is safer than human driving, Robin Li said, “Unmanned driving will definitely cause accidents, even fatal accidents, but this probability is much lower than that of human driving. “

Zhang Yaqin, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, chair professor of intelligent science at Tsinghua University, and dean of the Intelligent Industry Research Institute, commented: “at least an order of magnitude lower. “

According to the CIDAS (China In-depth Investigation of Traffic Accidents) database, among the 5,664 accident cases involving passenger vehicles from 2011 to 2021, the driver’s human factor accounted for about 81.5%; while Tesla’s latest quarterly safety report said that , their autonomous driving reliability is 8.9 times that of humans.

Regarding Li Yanhong’s statement, some industry commentators pointed out, “It may be intended to call for attention to the policy lag in the application of autonomous driving technology, and to build my country’s industrial competitiveness in the development of global autonomous driving.”

It is worth noting that Beijing recently issued a notice of unmanned manned demonstration application, Baidu became the first batch of approved companies, and its autonomous driving travel service platform, Ruipao Kuaipao, officially launched the unmanned autonomous driving travel service, which means “No one behind the wheel“The autonomous driving service was officially launched in China’s megacities.

finally come!Baidu gets China's first batch of autonomous driving without a driver behind the wheel

finally come!Baidu gets China's first batch of autonomous driving without a driver behind the wheel

The subject of the demonstration application that has obtained the notice can carry out the demonstration application of unmanned automatic driving and manned people on public roads within a range of 60 square kilometers in the high-level automatic driving demonstration area in Beijing.

This time, Baidu carried out unmanned manned demonstration applications in accordance with the requirements of the “Implementation Rules”.The first batch of 10 unmanned vehicles was put into use, and 30 more unmanned vehicles are planned to be added in the future..

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Hashtags: Li Yanhong Baidu Autonomous Driving

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