
The Pokmon Company ha tenido el mejor ao fiscal de su historiainformant desde Eurogamer. The Kantan Games Analyst Dr. Serkan Toto has published in his blog a publication of the official bulletin of the goberno japons donne se muestran las digress and benefit figures of the company, that to be private does not require a glossary of their figures.

As of the fiscal deadline of May 28, 2022, the company has entered into sales approximately 204,000 million yenes (1487 million euros in current exchange), un 70.4% ms as the previous one. The profits from the Alcanzan explosion are 59,000 million yen (430 million euros), an increase of 115%. The net benefits create 123%: its 41,000 million yen (299 million euros).

The company is owned by Nintendo, Creatures Inc. (the company responsible for collecting collectible cards) and Game Freak launched in the fiscal year Leyendas Pokmon Arceus, Pokemon Diamante Brillante / Perla Reluciente y New Pokmon Snap. Adems, continan receiving ingress of titles like Pokmon GO, Pokmon Unite y Pokmon Masters EX.

Eso s, as specified Serebii one ResetErathe mayor part of the ingresos no proceden de los videojuegos, sino del merchandising. As a model in graphic design by periodical and analyst Oscar Lemaire inserted continuation, The Pokmon Company Incrementally increases its net benefits from the 2016-2017 fiscal yearbut the crime that this figure has experienced in the fiscal year has no precedents.

The future of Pokmon: Scarlet y PrpuraJCC para mviles …

Adems of continuing to operate various games as a service, The Pokmon Company has large foreign trains for this. Pokmon Escarlata y Prpurala novena generacin de Pokmon, launches 2022 Finals for Nintendo Switch; takes part in a traditional adventure in the open world. Adems, a lo largo de este ao estrenarn en mviles y PC Pokemon Trading Card Game Live. Although it is unannounced, there is no launch fee Detective Pikachu 2.

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