— Zoia Kostina / Shutterstock.com

What do you know about twins? Of course, they are from the same father and the same mother, they are supposed to be born on the same day… well, in principle. Because this phenomenon of simultaneous birth or a few minutes apart is called into question by an extremely rare case – even a record – which occurred at the regional hospital in Waterford, Ireland.

Maria Jones-Elliott, a young woman of 34, was pregnant with twin girls. However, she had a special pregnancy for her two little girls, Amy and Katie, since her labor had already started four months earlier than expected. She first gave birth to Amy on the 1er June 2012 but as soon as she arrived the contractions stopped and the doctors decided it was safer to leave Katie in the womb.

It was only three months later, on August 27, 2012, that Katie decided to come out of her mother’s womb. However, Amy weighed only 0.5 kg while Katie weighed 2.3 kg at birth. Doctors said the survival of these twins is ” the medical equivalent of winning the lottery » and that they « had never seen anything like it in their career “. This phenomenon has been listed in the Guinness Book as being longest birth interval between twins.

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