
Not long ago, Weibo, Zhihu, Douyin and other platforms have successively launched the function of displaying the user’s IP territory. The current territory will be marked on the personal homepage and comments, and the location will be located in the province/municipality. According to reports, this has also made the business of paid IP proxies booming, but this is a black and gray industry. On some e-commerce platforms, paid IP proxy services have appeared, and some of them are very purposeful, directly indicating that the IP attribution of Weibo and Douyin can be changed. A few days ago, the Taobao platform issued the “Taobao Platform Prohibited Information Management Rules”, which explicitly prohibits the sale of IP-modified/agent/forged software and services. This rule change was announced on May 27, 2022, and will take effect on June 3, 2022. According to previous reports, some e-commerce platform sellers said that the number of people looking for IP agents has indeed increased recently. The services they sell can change the IP address of mobile phones or computers, and support all platforms and all brands of mobile phones. On some platforms, some merchants advertise that they can wholesale domestic static IPs, exclusive IPs, and 5 yuan a piece. However, search results for keywords such as “IP proxy” on some platforms have been blocked. There are second-hand e-commerce platform customer service.
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